Special to NKyTribune
The Kenton County Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse (KCA) is calling on experts in Kentucky politics and policy making to help Northern Kentucky residents learn how to advocate more persuasively with state lawmakers.
The Alliance is aiming particularly at legislation to protect youth from harmful substances.
“This year, several pieces of substance abuse related legislation have been introduced in Frankfort,” said Lisa Anglin, coordinator or the Kenton County Alliance to Prevent Substance Abuse. ”
Heroin use and underage use of other harmful substances such as tobacco and alcohol threaten our children’s lives, health and successful growth, she said.
“We want to encourage local community members to participate in the decisions made in our state that impact all of us. We want the voices of our community members to be heard in Frankfort with the most impact possible,” Ms. Anglin added.
The Kenton County Alliance will host an advocacy training session on Friday, January 30, from 12:30 – 2 p.m. at the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools’ Ensor Annex, 305 Bartlett Avenue in Erlanger, next to Tichenor Middle School. The time has changed from an earlier announcement.
The training will feature a panel of experts who will discuss basic advocacy and educate attendees on how best to reach and impact their legislators and what they can do make changes in the community. This information will be useful to supporters of any cause, as it will cover basic, general techniques for advocating for legislation about any cause important to our communities, and will be especially helpful to those trying to protect youth from harmful substances. A questions and answer period will follow the discussion.
Featured speakers include:
• Adam Caswell ‒ Vice President for Public Affairs with the Northern Kentucky Chamber
• Kim Poore Moser ‒ Chairman of the Kentucky Physician’s Political Action Committee, Director and Communications Chair of the American Medical Association Alliance, and Legislative Liaison of the Northern Kentucky Heroin Impact Response Task Force
• Kristian Wagner ‒ Health Policy Director for the Kentucky Cancer Consortium
The training is free and open to any community member and will specifically highlight the harmfulness of tobacco use.
For more information, call 859.760.2051, email lisa.anglin@erlanger.kyschools.us or visit www.kentoncountyalliance.org.