By Derek White
NKyTribune Correspondent
One in seven Americans is food insecure, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, meaning one in seven at times lack the resources to obtain adequate food.
In Northern Kentucky, Master Provisions, a non-profit organization based in Florence, has made a significant impact on the community by providing food and clothing to the organizations that directly help those most in need.
Last year alone Master Provisions provided 5,427,683 total pounds of food to partner organizations that help feed the hungry, such as soup kitchens, shelters and neighborhood food pantries. Through these partners, a reported 6,226 families have been helped through the resources the organization provided.
Master Provisions’ role is to connect resources to mission partners who have developed effective programs to care for those in need. Locally, the outreach focuses on food and clothing. Internationally, orphan care is also a focus.
If you ask the staff about the success of their efforts aiding those in need, you would hear that MP works as the hands and feet of the organizations they assist, making sure they have what they need to care for those who turn to them.
President of Master Provisions Roger Babik would tell you their mission requires hard work, but it’s worth it. Babik knows first hand what it has taken to get this far, as he has been there since founding the organization 20 years ago.
“We realize it takes a lot of work and God’s blessing,” said Babik and cites a close-knit staff is a huge part of what keeps them successful.
“Our staff works very well together and we keep our focus on loving people. There’s no better way to show God’s love than that,” remarked Babik.
Many local organizations feel Master Provisions’ presence, among them Mary Rose Mission, an organization that serves home-cooked meals to the homeless and less fortunate in the heart of Florence. Director of Mary Rose Missions, Cindy Carris believes Master Provisions has been a huge part of their success locally in their goal to be a healthy option for those who need it.
“When our guests come in, they’re seeing healthy food for maybe the first time in their lives. We had one guest, who sat down and said, ‘I’ve never been able to eat this kind of food before,’ and that’s only because of what Master Provisions does for us,” said Carris.
Mary Rose Missions is one of nearly 150 local organizations that “shop” for food weekly at Master Provisions’ warehouse.
Master Provisions’ goal for the future is to expand their outreach even more throughout the community — locally, nationally and internationally– to help other organizations in any way they can.
“In everything we do, we want to be, and we want our partners to be, more effective,” said Babik.
Master Provisions is always looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Mark LeSuer at mark@masterprovisions.org to get involved.
All Photos by Derek White
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