The NKy Chapter of Kentucky Public Retirees will hold its monthly meeting on March 9th at 11:45 a.m. for lunch at Golden Coral, 488 Orphanage Road in Ft. Wright.
Public employees and retirees who receive benefits from any of the three retirement systems Kentucky Retirement System (KERS), County Employees Retirement System,(CERS), and State Police Retirement System (SPRS) are encouraged to attend.
“We want to invite government employees from across the NKy area, whether currently a member of KPR or not,” says retired Judge Lambert Hehl, former v.p. of NKY Chapter.”
Learn more about the organization and stay informed about the urgent issues that are impacting the Kentucky Retirement Systems that affect government employees or retirees.
The program will feature Becky Timberlake, director of the Brighton Center.
The business meeting will include updates on legislative session currently in progress and retirement system updates.
Questions? Contact Asom Ponananta, chapter president or Melissa Artopoeus at