AmeriCorps team works at Cumberland Falls and Carter Caves state resort parks

Eight young people from across the U.S. will spend the next few weeks working at two Kentucky State Parks and nearby communities as part of the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps program.

The team recently arrived at Cumberland Falls State Resort Park and will move to Carter Caves State Resort Park on April 20. Their work will include repairing trails, removing invasive plants, cleaning out caves and other park improvement projects.


“This is a great program that helps us make park improvements as we get ready to see most of our visitors,” Parks Commissioner Elaine Walker said. “We appreciate the contributions of these young people.”

This is the third year that Kentucky State Parks has hosted an AmeriCorps team.

“We love the physical work,” team leader Amanda Ray, of Norton, Kansas, said. “It’s absolutely beautiful out here.”

The team members are 18 – 24 years old and are trained in first aid, CPR, safety and other skills before they start their work. They come from different parts of the country. The Kentucky crew has members from the West Coast, Southwest, Midwest and East Coast.

The other team members are: Tia Burbach, Kennewick, Washington; Thiago Fernandes, Nashua, New Hampshire; Mishell Fields, Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Emily Hodsdon, Amherst, New Hampshire; Jonathon Kaiser, Spring, Texas; Jim Lee, Holliston, Massachusetts; and Danielle O’Leary, Long Island, New York.

The team will also be assisting some Trail Town communities with projects.

Trail Towns is a designation and assistance program overseen by the Office of Adventure Tourism that will guide travelers to trails, food, lodging, campgrounds, museums, entertainment and other services. The designation will help communities improve their tourism economy, add more jobs and more tourism opportunities for the entire state.

From the Kentucky State Park System

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