Bluegrass & Backroads: Lifetime knitter spins her way to success at Sweet Home Spun studio


Kentucky is a state defined by its history and noted for a number of things, not the least of which is horse racing, bourbon, bluegrass music and barbecue.

But, as natives Bob Shrader and Matt Hilton remind us each week, there’s so much more to the Bluegrass State and its people, culture and rural charm. Shrader and Hilton combine their talents to produce the award-winning Bluegrass & Backroads, a 30-minute program aired regionally on the Kentucky Education Television networks and nationally via satellite on RFD-TV through Dish Network, DirecTV and several major cable outlets.

In this episode, the B&B team visits Pleasureville in Henry County to visit Sweet Home Spun spinning and knitting studio. There, JoAnn Adams, a lifetime knitter and longtime spinner, knits and spins, as well as gives classes in the Historic Six Mile Meetinghouse on her family’s Sweet Home Farm. Husband Sam and son Samuel care for the gentle flock of natural-colored long wool sheep.

For more information about Bluegrass & Backroads, including a list of the stations on which the show airs and schedules, visit

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