Children’s Law Center teams up with ‘Cinderella’ for a special fundraiser honoring Mary Fisher

cinderella logo

Each year, Children’s Law Center (CLC) acquires all seating in Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati for a special dress rehearsal performance, which is dedicated to Mary Fisher, a long-time supporter of Children’s Law Center and Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati.

CLC sells sponsorships and seating to this fun filled event and many purchasers donate their tickets back so we can give these free tickets to clients of various children’s agencies throughout Greater Cincinnati.

This year Children’s Law Center’s annual holiday performance is Cinderella at Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati on Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 7 p.m.

Cinderella, a family friendly musical

What do you get when you combine a nearsighted bookworm heroine, two fabulously self-absorbed stepsisters, one devilishly diva stepmother, along with a self-empowering Well-Wisher? A fun spin on the classic fairy tale that demonstrates being smart is true beauty! When the King pressures his romantically challenged son to choose a bride from hundreds of “applicants”, a cross-country tour of the kingdom ensues to reunite a missing sneaker – yes a sneaker! – with its rightful owner.

These annual fractured fairytale musical performances are amazing! This is always a wonderful holiday experience for the children and one that some would never enjoy if not for the generosity of so many people and organizations.

CLC provides holiday cookies and cocoa for everyone during intermission and the show’s cast of characters meet with the children and their families after the performance for pictures, autographs and laughter.

Seating is limited so hurry and order tickets or purchase sponsorships by visiting the CLC website . For more information please contact, John Vissman, at 859-431-3313 or I hope you join all my friends and me on November 28. Tickets are $20 each for children (13 years and under) and $30 for others.

Various sponsorship levels are available as well as the opportunity to buy individual tickets. You may use your tickets to attend the show or donate them to be used by disadvantaged children and their families.

You may be a Patron and receive special mention in the event program and CLC newsletter.
Patron Levels include:

$5,000 Cinderella – 15 tickets
$2,000 Prince Charming – 12 tickets
$2,000 Prince Charming – 12 tickets
$500 Pumpkin carriage – 6 tickets
$250 Glass Slipper – 4 tickets
$100 Friendly Mice – 2 tickets

All proceeds go to Children’s Law Center to help fund their work serving children.

Children’s Law Center, Inc. (CLC) is a unique non-profit legal service center protecting the rights of children and youth to help them overcome barriers and transition into adulthood, better advocate for their needs, and successfully contribute to society. It provides individual legal advocacy to children and youth, and through public policy work, training and education, impact litigation, and juvenile defender support services, seeks to improve the systems that serve them. CLC offers services in both Kentucky and Ohio, and collaborates with other organizations within the region and nationally on a variety of topics. CLC does not charge fees to its child/youth clients or their families.

For more information about Children’s Law Center please contact Ms. Kim Brooks Tandy, Executive Director, or 859-431-3313.

For more information about this event, please contact John Vissman, Development Director, or 859-431-3313

P.S. Please don’t let Cinderella’s Wicked Stepmother know about this fun event!

From Children’s Press Law Center

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