Kids Voting Northern Kentucky is a non-profit, non-partisan organization aimed at teaching young people the importance of, and help them develop the habit of, voting. On Election Day, future voters are encouraged to visit the polls with their parent/guardian to cast a vote in a mock election at a Kids Voting booth.
In the last presidential election, approximately 10,000 young people voted in Northern Kentucky. Additionally, about 350 students volunteered to assemble ballot boxes, work polls and count ballots.
On November 3, from 8am until 5pm, kids were able to vote at the same precinct locations where their parents/guardians do throughout Kenton and Campbell counties and at all of the branches of Boone County Public Library. Votes were cast on the Governor/Lt. Governor, Secretary of State and Attorney General races. Additionally, they had a chance to weigh in on two important topics: Should local school boards include a student member and should the driving age be raised to 18?
A copy of the ballot is below. An estimated 3,700 kids went to the polls. Results are as follows:
Governor/Lt. Governor:
Jack Conway / Sannie Overly
Boone: 759
Campbell: 507
Kenton: 471
Total 1737
Matt Bevin / Jeanean Hampton
Boone: 774
Campbell: 566
Kenton: 527
Total: 1867
Secretary of State:
Alison Lundergan Grimes
Boone: 786
Campbell: 630
Kenton: 577
Total: 1993
Stephen Knipper
Boone: 451
Campbell: 424
Kenton: 450
Total: 1325
Attorney General:
Andy Beshear
Boone: 812
Campbell: 600
Kenton: 570
Total: 1982
Whitney Westerfield
Boone: 489
Campbell: 390
Kenton: 379
Total: 1258
2015 Issues:
Should local school boards include a student member?
Boone: 1,140
Campbell: 763
Kenton: 733
Total: 2636
Boone: 371
Campbell: 283
Kenton: 246
Total: 900
Should the legal driving age be raised to 18?
Boone: 398
Campbell: 326
Kenton: 346
Total: 1070
Boone: 1,094
Campbell: 701
Kenton: 617
Total: 2412