Kentucky Strengthening Families online training course available for early childhood professionals

A new Kentucky Strengthening Families (KYSF) online training course is now available for early childhood professionals to earn professional development credit.

Participants will get an overview of the KYSF framework that is part of a statewide initiative of more than 20 partners to improve outcomes for young children and families.
early childhood
The framework encourages all organizations to incorporate protective factors, which are the opposite of risk factors, into how they work with families. Protective factors are conditions in families and communities, which when present, help increase the health and well-being of families and children. Research suggests that families in all walks of life improve their chance for success and their ability to cope with stress when protective factors are present.

The KYSF online training is for professionals in the early childhood field and all staff in agencies who interact with families and children. This includes child care providers and directors, pre-K and Head Start, social service organizations and early childhood educators.

Early childhood professionals can earn 3 clock hours by using their Early Care and Education Training Records Information System (ECE-TRIS) account. The training is available at no cost to participants. The course is funded by the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood’s Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant and the Kentucky Department of Public Health’s Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems grant.

Participants can access the course here.

From Kentucky Governor’s Office

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