Wood Hudson Cancer Research Laboratory celebrated its 35th Anniversary in style recently as 120 people gathered at the Newport Syndicate.
Festivities began with cocktails followed by a luncheon, and then a presentation emceed by Mike Murray, Director of Stewardship and Mission Services, for the Diocese of Covington.
During the presentation, five individuals and one organization were honored for their significant roles they have played in helping Wood Hudson fulfill its mission of cancer research. Individuals and the organization who received awards were; Georgia Kinman, Above & Beyond Award; Jack Buecker accepting on behalf of the Ft. Thomas Corvette Club, Building our Future Award; Robert Layton, Harry W. Carter, MD, Award; Larry E. Douglass, M.D., Making a Difference in Cancer Research Award; Patricia Binder, Wood Hudson Service Award, and Robert Sanders, Leading By Example Award.
Wood Hudson Cancer Research Laboratory is a non-profit cancer research institute located in Newport, dedicated to the discovery of new knowledge regarding the causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. All discoveries resulting from ongoing research are freely given to the scientific and medical community through promptly reported peer-reviewed publications.
To date, Wood Hudson’s peer reviewed research publications have been cited by other scientists in their papers over 1,194 times. The institute collaborates with doctors and scientists at universities, colleges, and hospitals throughout the tri-state and with major pharmaceutical companies.
Individuals, companies, schools and civic organizations wishing to learn more about Wood Hudson are asked to contact Julie Althaver, Director of Communications & Philanthropic Advancement at 859-581-7249 or email her at jalthaver@woodhudson.org.