Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes, Kentucky’s chief elections official, announced that today the State Board of Elections certified vote totals from the May 17 primary election and issued certificates of nomination to candidates who received the highest number of votes in the primary. Detailed results from the election are available at
Nearly 670,000 Kentuckians, approximately 20.7 percent of registered voters, cast ballots in the primary. Fewer than 2,000 votes separated Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary for President. A statewide recanvass conducted last week at the request of Sanders did not change the results.

“I am proud of the hard work of the elections staff across Kentucky, especially our county boards of elections and our precinct elections officials,” said Grimes. “There are thousands of people who make our elections run smoothly, and I am very grateful for their efforts. I look forward to continuing to work together to prepare for the general election on Nov. 8th.”
The statewide ballot in November will include the offices of President and Vice President, and one U.S. Senate seat. Local ballots will include U.S. Representative and state Representative, and state Senate in odd-numbered districts.
Voters in the 5th Supreme Court district will choose between two candidates for a seat on the state’s high court.
The Democratic and Republican parties must file certificates of nomination for their candidates for the offices of President and Vice President no later than Sept. 9.
Independent, political organization and political group candidates must file their petitions no later than August 9 at 4 p.m. ET. Most were required to file a statement of candidacy with the Secretary of State’s office no later than April 1.