Judge Shepherd permanently blocks Gov. Bevin’s executive orders reorganizing UofL board

The Courier-Journal is reporting that Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd has ruled that Gov. Matt Bevin did not have the authority to abolish and recreate the University of Louisville board of trustees.

Shepherd permanently blocked the executive orders used to reorganize the UofL board, thereby eliminating the new group of trustees appointed after dismissing the original members of the board.

Gov. Matt Bevin
Gov. Matt Bevin

He also ruled that Bevin cannot interfere with or obstruct the actions of the incumbent board of trustees who have been making decisions for the university since Shepherd’s temporary injunction reinstating them in July.

The C-J report goes on to say that Shepherd’s 17-page ruling says the governor’s reorganization power doesn’t extend to public universities and he cannot remove trustees without cause and without a due process hearing.

“He served as judge, jury and executioner of the incumbent board without any legal process to determine the merits of the charges,” Shepherd wrote.

A statement released to the press on behalf of Attorney General Andy Beshear said: “We appreciate Judge Shepherd’s urgency in issuing a final decision in this case. What our students and faculty need now is finality. That is why I am calling on Gov. Bevin to either accept the ruling and appoint trustees to the five openings, or agree to move this case immediately to the Kentucky Supreme Court.”

This story will be updated; stay tuned

One thought on “Judge Shepherd permanently blocks Gov. Bevin’s executive orders reorganizing UofL board

  1. So what about the laws governing the make-up of UofL’s board that have been ignored under the previous administration? Anyone?

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