People in the News: Nieves joins Tri-ED, Benson joins Habitat for Humanity, two NKY attorneys on top list

Nieves joins Tri-ED

Northern Kentucky Tri-County Economic Development Corporation (Northern Kentucky Tri-ED) announced that Jamie Nieves has joined Northern Kentucky Tri-ED as Manager, Business Retention & Expansion.
“Jamie’s experience with business development and building relationships in Northern Kentucky will be vital to her success,” said Dan Tobergte, President and CEO of Northern Kentucky Tri-ED.

Jamie Nieves
Jamie Nieves

Northern Kentucky Tri-ED’s business retention and expansion program, NKY Boost, is focused on connecting the region’s primary industries with solutions to foster growth and job creation in the local economy. Nieves will join Wade Williams, Senior Vice President for Business Development, in continuing to grow and develop the NKY Boost program.
In 2015, the Boost program was awarded a Gold Best Practices award from the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) for a business retention and expansion program of its size for its first three years of results. Since 2013, more than 320 Boost visits to primary industry companies have been conducted, generating more than 95 project leads for companies considering an expansion in Northern Kentucky.
Nieves has previously served as business development associate for a local civil engineering firm, in addition to serving as a marketing manager for both a civil engineering firm and architectural firm prior to relocating from Indianapolis. Nieves earned a bachelor’s degree in marketing and finance from Franklin College in Franklin, Ind.

Benson joins Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity Greater Cincinnati (HFHGC) has appointed Elizabeth Benson as Vice President, Development & Communications, leading the organization’s efforts to develop resources to build more homes for families in need.
Benson’s experience includes more than 25 years in Greater Cincinnati’s social sector, most recently as Vice President for Communications & Marketing for The Greater Cincinnati Foundation, and past positions with Queen City Metro and Keep Cincinnati Beautiful. She is a graduate of Miami University and recently completed a Master’s in Organizational Leadership at Union Institute & University.

Elizabeth Benson
Elizabeth Benson

“Beth brings incredible experience and leadership to Habitat for Humanity,” said Ed Lee, HFHGC, President and CEO. “I look forward to working with her as we strive to change lives and communities through affordable home ownership across Greater Cincinnati.”
An active community volunteer, Benson is currently a board member of the Leadership Cincinnati Alumni Association and the Bach Ensemble of St. Thomas, and a member of the Leadership Council of Human Service Executives and the Public Relations Society of America. Her past volunteer service includes allocation committees for United Way of Greater Cincinnati and ArtsWave, as well as the boards of Know Theatre, InterParish Ministry, and the Center for Peace Education. 
Her community service also includes work as a construction volunteer and public relations committee member for Habitat for Humanity in the 1990s. “I’m delighted to renew my connection with Habitat for Humanity, and see how it’s grown in recent years,” Benson said. “My career has been dedicated to making our region a place where everyone has a chance to grow and thrive. I’m looking forward to helping build homes and hope for families in Greater Cincinnati.”

Two NKY attorneys named ‘Best Lawyers’

David Stalled
David Stalled
Kathryn Smith
Kathryn Smith

Northern Kentucky residents, David S. Stallard of Edgewood and Kathryn E. Smith of Park Hills, are two of fifteen lawyers from Wood Herron & Evans LLP who were recently selected by their peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© 2017 by Best Lawyers®, the oldest peer-review publication in the legal profession.

Wood Herron & Evans LLP is the region’s largest intellectual property (IP) law firm.

In addition, Smith is one of three of the firm’s attorneys who also received the Best Lawyers 2017 “Lawyer of the Year” award for Cincinnati in their respective practice areas. Smith was recognized as Trademark Law “Lawyer of the Year,” alongside colleagues Stephen E. Gillen for Copyright Law and Theodore R. Remaklus for Intellectual Property Litigation. Only a single attorney in each city and practice area is recognized as a “Lawyer of the Year.” 

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