Center for Great Neighborhoods offering free tax prep assistance, in cooperation with United Way

The start of the new year also marks the beginning of tax season, and households around the country are preparing to submit their returns. For low to moderate-income households in Covington, The Center for Great Neighborhoods offers free assistance with the process.

In partnership with the United Way of Greater Cincinnati, The Center will again sponsor an IRS-certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site.


Free tax preparation services will be offered Saturdays from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and Tuesdays from 4 p.m.-7 p.m, January 28 through April 15, 2017. Individuals interested in using The Center’s tax preparation services can find a detailed list of necessary materials at

Continuing this year, The Center will operate a Low Income Tax Payer Clinic (LITC) to help residents deal with questions and problems with the IRS. For English as Second Language (ESL) clients, the LITC will provide seminars relating to federal income tax issues and taxpayer rights and responsibilities, and a translator to assist Spanish-speaking ESL clients. The Center’s LITC services are free of charge. For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Mary A. Lepper, or Monica J. Ibarra at

In 2016 The Center helped 960 families file their taxes, and had $1.4 million refunded to families through these services. In addition to tax preparation services, The Center offers financial management services throughout the year. Opportunities include budgeting and credit management workshops and financial coaching. From mid-July through the end of August The Center offers mid-year tax withholding review to help residents determine if enough taxes are being withheld from paychecks. Visit to learn more about The Center’s financial services.

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