December was a lucky month for Kentucky Lottery players, according to a report made today during a meeting of the lottery’s board of directors. Total prize payout was 4% higher than the same month in the previous year, and 2% more than budgeted.
According to Vice President and Corporate Controller Maggie Garrison, even though sales compared to the same month last year dipped by $4 million, prize expense for the same period actually increased $1 million. “Pick 3 players in the period were especially lucky, as the game paid out 81% of sales in prizes,” she said. Garrison explained this was primarily fueled due to popular combinations of numbers being drawn. “For example,” she said, “Our December 3 midday Pick 3 winning numbers were 1-2-3. We sold $207,000 in tickets for that drawing, but paid $1.4 million in prizes. A few days later, on the 11th, 7-7-7 was drawn. Sales were $213,000, and we paid $1.5 million for that drawing.”
“December was definitely a good month for our players,” Garrison said.
Year-to-date sales for the first half of FY17 (July – December) were $479.1 million, which is $3.4 million more than the same period last year but $17.6 million less than budgeted. Income before transfer of dividends was $119 million, which is $2.2 million more than the same period last year but $2.9 million less than budgeted.
In other action, the board elected current Vice Chair Mark F. Sommer as chair. The Louisville-based attorney practices at Brown Frost Todd LLC where he leads the firm’s Tax and Benefits Practice Group. Board member Jan Buddeke was elected vice chair.
Board Chair Sommer briefed the board on the status of the search for a new president and CEO. Sommer said interviews for the job will be conducted in mid- to late February, and finalists then sent to Governor Bevin’s office for his selection. He also reported that Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton will be joining the search committee as a liaison to the governor.
In other business, the board approved:
• A contract with Affiliated Forensic Laboratory, Inc. for ticket testing;
• A contract extension with Pollard Banknote LLC for secondary scratch-off ticket production;
• A contract renewal with Smartplay International for a random number generator system;
• A policy renewal with USI Insurance Services LLC for directors and officers liability insurance, and;
• Rules and regulations for seven scratch-off tickets, amended rules for eight draw games, and rules for seven Instant Play games.
The next meeting of the KLC’s board of directors will be March 24. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. EST, and will be held at the KLC headquarters at 1011 West Main Street in Louisville. Committee meetings will begin at 8:30 a.m. EST.
A meeting of the board’s president and CEO selection committee will be held at KLC headquarters on Monday, January 30th starting at 2:30 p.m. EST.