The Newport Business Association(NBA) Annual Meeting and Presentation of Awards is Wednesday, February 22 at the Newport Syndicate/Gangsters Dueling Piano Bar 18 East 5th Street.
Four businesses/individuals will be recognized for their outstanding contribution to the Newport Business Association and the City of Newport.
6 p.m. Complimentary hors d’ oeuvres and cash bar
7 p.m. Welcome – Mark Ramler, NBA President
7:05 p.m. Presentation of Awards:
Community Leadership, Volunteer of the Year
Business of the Year, and New Business of the Year
7:25 p.m. Introduction/Installation 2017 Officers and Board Members
7:30 p.m. Entertainment by Sound Body Jazz Quartet
NBA Members and a Guest are free. Non-Members-$10 each
Join the NBA today for $50 and attend the Annual Meeting for free!
Complimentary parking across from Syndicate provided by Carlisle Enterprise Inc. & Tri State Parking. Please place invitation card on dashboard.
Please R.S.V.P. by Friday, February 17th to Bev Holiday at 859.655.6341 or email: