Keep Covington Beautiful: Volunteers sought for day of service for Great American Cleanup Apri 29

Keep Covington Beautiful is preparing for the Great American Cleanup, Covington’s largest annual volunteer day of service, taking place on Saturday, April 29.

Each year the Great American Cleanup, sponsored by Rumpke, attracts nearly 1,000 volunteers working at more than 30 project sites across Covington. In 2016, volunteers picked up three tons of trash, planted 77 trees, and spread 15 truckloads of mulch in an effort to clean and beautify the city.

Volunteers at last year’s cleanup. (Photo provided)

Keep Covington Beautiful is currently seeking team leaders and volunteers to tackle beautification projects in Covington’s 19 neighborhoods ranging from street cleanup to spring planting. All materials are provided to the sites and volunteers are invited for a lunch and after party at Goebel Park to celebrate their hard work.

The Center for Great Neighborhoods will be collecting gently used garden and home improvement tools, during the after party. The tools will be used for an upcoming tool-lending program The Center, the Kenton County Library, and Wolff Tree Farms will launch this spring.

The Great American Cleanup is presented in partnership with Keep Covington Beautiful, The Center for Great Neighborhoods, and The City of Covington.. Sponsors include Devou Good, Hub+Weber Architects, Scooter Media, Indy Honeycomb, Friends of Covington,the Covington Neighborhood Collaborative, Design Details, and Kroger

For more information about volunteering and on making a donation to the Great American Cleanup, contact Shannon Ratterman at (859) 547-5541 or
About The Center:
The Center for Great Neighborhoods has been a catalyst for positive growth in Covington, KY since 1976. The Center sparks this growth by bringing people together, encouraging them to work with each other, and supporting their efforts to shape the future of their community. The non-profit organization is committed to helping people discover and develop their skills, find and use the resources they need, and discover partners who share their concern for the well-being of Covington.

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