NKY Magazine will induct three honorees into the fourth annual Northern Kentucky Business Hall of Fame on April 25 at the Metropolitan Club.
Inductees are:
Bill Butler, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Corporex Companies;
Wayne Carlisle, president and CEO of Carlisle Construction; and
R.C. Durr (posthumously), R.C. Durr Company and R.C. Durr Foundation.
In celebration of Northern Kentucky’s heritage of business accomplishments, NKY Magazine, in partnership with the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, presents the fourth annual Northern Kentucky Business Hall of Fame to recognize the rich tradition of success and civic involvement in the region’s business community. The Northern Kentucky Business Hall of Fame honors men and women who have made a lasting contribution to the community in economic, cultural, and civic endeavors.
The event starts with a 5 p.m. cocktail hour and will adjourn by 7:30 p.m.
Tickets are available at the event website.