New blood pressure guidelines — all 481 pages of them — are being discussed a lot, but being read infrequently. Many news reports are simply rehashing the old Puritanical admonition, “avoid everything pleasurable.”
Since that’s not what the research recommends, it’s important to know what’s both real and new in the guidelines — for your health and happiness.
“Overall, a major focus of the report is lifestyle modification rather than medications for those whose status will change under the updated guidelines,” says board certified internist Jacob Teitelbaum, MD.
Teitelbaum is one of the world’s most recognized experts on effective treatments for CFS and fibromyalgia. He has published many studies on effective treatment, authored 10 books, has been featured on CNN, FOX, Good Morning America, and Dr. Oz, and has effectively treated thousands of people worldwide.
Here’s what Dr. Teitelbaum says people need to know:
1 SALT: Although it plays a role, and decreasing salt intake is recommended, the benefits of salt restriction are modest. It only drops blood pressure an average of 3 mm. So don’t overdo the heavily salted, processed foods, but feel free to use a normal amount of salt from the salt shaker.
2 POTASSIUM: More important than salt restriction is to Increase potassium intake, which is associated with a 5–10 mm drop in blood pressure. Include a generous amount of avocado in the salad. Serve coconut water or tomato/V-8 juice. Mix bananas in the dessert. All these foods are rich in potassium. Perhaps the new expression should be “a banana a day keeps the doctor away!”
3 OIL: Jettison the margarine! Instead, go “Mediterranean” and favor the olive oil.
4 CAFFEINE: Coffee and tea anyone? Absolutely! Having a cup or two a day does not increase blood pressure long-term.
5 EGGS: The research shows that having a few each day does not increase the risk of heart disease, or raise cholesterol. So enjoy your morning E&B (with or without the B).
6 WINE: A glass of wine with dinner? Yes please. In moderation (no more than two drinks a day on average). Alcohol actually prolongs life relative to being a teetotaler. Drinking while your blood pressure is high can be problematic though, so wait till your blood pressure is under 130/80.
7 DESSERT: Cut back the sugar because it increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Instead, enjoy some cocktails with whole fresh fruit (toss the canned ones with the syrup). Then drizzle some of the best-tasting chocolate you can find on it. In moderation, chocolate is a health food, and eating a small amount each day is associated with a whopping 57 percent lower risk of dying of heart attack.
8 EXERCISE: Along with weight loss, this is a key part of controlling blood pressure. Meanwhile, early data suggests that sunshine—which raises vitamin D—can also help lower blood pressure. So go for a walk in the sunshine before your Thanksgiving meal – and make a 30 to 60 minute walk part of your daily routine.
BOTTOM LINE: “The new research shows that having low blood pressure is something we can live with, while still enjoying our lives,” says Dr. Teitelbaum. “But it’s Thanksgiving, so worth remembering what Mark Twain advised: ‘Moderation in all things – including moderation!’”