Village Players to present ‘The Unvarnished Truth’ December 1-9 at Fort Thomas Woman’s Club

Village Players presents The Unvarnished Truth by Royce Ryton, December 1-9, 2017. Village Players is located on the lower level of the Ft. Thomas Woman’s Club, 8 North Ft. Thomas Ave, Ft. Thomas.

Tom and Annabel are a reasonably happy married couple. One evening they have an argument as to who loves the other most. A rough and tumble ensues, and Tom discovers to his horror that Annabel is dead. So, starts a hectic evening of black humor which also involves Tom’s policeman friend and his literary agent.

Vern Burns, Eric Day, Richard Zenk, and Bert Bathlany

It seems no woman can enter the house without rapidly becoming deceased.

Annabel’s mother and Tom’s appalling landlady soon follow and disposal of the bodies becomes an acute problem. The arrival of a police inspector complicates matters when a subsequent death involves him too. The hysterically funny ending finds the stage littered with female corpses, frantic males and a potential fifth victim banging on the door.

The Unvarnished Truth is directed by Steve Phelan, produced by Barbara Alenduff and features the talents of Richard Zenk, Eric Day, Bert Bathiany, Vern Burns, Geri Campbell, Jennifer Keith, Valeria Amburgey and Angela Klocke Forbes.

Performances will be:

Friday, December 1st – 8 p.m.
Saturday, December 2nd – 8 p.m.
Sunday, December 3rd – 3 p.m.
Thursday, December 7th – 8 p.m.
Friday, December 8th – 8 p.m.
Saturday, December 9th – 8 p.m.

To order tickets for The Unvarnished Truth, visit the website or leave a message at 859-392-0500.

Village Players began in 1966 when members of the Fort Thomas Woman’s Club formed a community theatre department and renovated the lower level of the building to house a unique and intimate 102-seat three-quarter thrust stage.

Village Players is a member of KTA, OCTA, ACT-Cincinnati, and AACT.

Located at 8 North Fort Thomas Avenue, Fort Thomas, Village Players mounts four productions each year and donates the proceeds of its spring production to charity. For more information see the website or 859-392-0500.

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