Kentucky Lottery sales remain positive, trend ahead of last year’s record; total to-date income $106 million

Kentucky Lottery sales continue to trend ahead of last year’s record-breaking sales, according to a report in Friday’s meeting of the organization’s board of directors.

Vice President and Corporate Controller Maggie Garrison reported year-to-date (July-November) sales of $415.8 million, which is nearly $21.6 million (5.5%) more than sales for the same timeframe last year of $394.2 million. This amount is also $3.1 million (0.8%) more than what was budgeted for the period.

Income before transfer of dividends remains ahead of the budgeted number. This amount year-to-date is $106.0 million, which is $5.4 million (5.3%) more than last year and $4.7 million (4.7%) more than budgeted.

“We’re heading into the time of year which is always our best sales period,” said the lottery’s President and CEO Tom Delacenserie. “Sales of our holiday tickets are significantly ahead of where they were this time last year, I think due in large part to our marketing campaign featuring Bob Newhart. And once we get past the holidays, we traditionally see an uptick in sales starting in February, typically with our scratch off and Keno products. I believe we’ve laid the groundwork for a solid fiscal year.”

In other business, the board approved:

• The purchase of a digital printing press and related equipment and services from Ricoh;
• The FY18 Keno retailer incentive program;
• Modifications to retailer regulation and licensing documents;
• An amendment to Delacenserie’s contract to include performance metrics for FY18 and establish a method for awarding an annual performance incentive, and;
• Rules and regulations for eight scratch-off tickets and eight Instant Play games.

The next meeting of the KLC’s board of directors will be January 26. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. EST, and will be held at the KLC headquarters at 1011 West Main Street in Louisville.

From Kentucky Lottery

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