Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes took part in her 76th naturalization ceremony since taking office in 2012, welcoming 151 new citizens from 47 countries last week.
The ceremony, the first held in Kentucky in 2018, included the administration of the oath of citizenship required to become Americans at Louisville Free Public Library. Grimes spoke to the new citizens and their families about the duties of civic engagement, voter participation, and commitment to improving Kentucky, continuing her historic voter registration efforts.
“In Kentucky, y’all means we welcome all – and I am proud to call each of you a fellow American,” Grimes said. “Becoming a citizen brings numerous rights. Chief among them is the right to vote. Your vote is your voice in our democracy, and we need your voice now more than ever.”
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Thomas H. Fulton led the proceedings and issued a challenge to the new Americans to be active citizens.
“You are the future of America and I urge you to speak out,” Fulton said. “Challenge assumptions. Ask hard questions. Voice your dreams. Debate. Protest peacefully. We become stronger by testing our values. Be part of that test. And vote. … Remember that you are America. Collectively, we choose our leaders and decide how America shall be governed. We and our descendants will shape America’s future. This is, of course, a tremendous responsibility.”
Grimes encouraged the new citizens to register to vote using her office’s online voter registration portal.
“Register to vote today and translate that registration into participation on Election Day. Right now, a minority of people are determining the results of our elections. We need a majority. Our future will be shaped by people who vote,” said Grimes.
She noted the deadline to register to vote for the upcoming primary election in May is April 23.
The Secretary of State’s staff attend each naturalization ceremony held in Kentucky to greet new citizens and answer questions regarding voting and registration. Grimes welcomed more than 150 new citizens at last year’s WorldFest in Louisville, one of the country’s largest international festivals.
From Secretary of State