UK College of Agriculture to host two day-long fencing schools in March

Livestock producers know good fencing is vital to their operation. To help producers learn about the newest fencing methods and sound fence construction, the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is hosting two fencing schools.

The first school is March 20 at the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton. The second is March 22 at the beef unit of UK’s C. Oran Little Research Farm in Versailles.

During the daylong trainings, participants will learn about the state’s fence laws, fencing economics, construction basics and electric fencing basics. They will also have hands-on fence building opportunities with industry experts.

“Participants will construct both electrified smooth high tensile fence and high tensile fixed knot woven wire fencing,” said Chris Teutsch, UK forage extension specialist. “This fencing is a tremendous improvement over traditionally used hinge joint woven and the cost of construction is about the same.”

The cost is $30 per person, and the each school is limited to 30 people.

Registration for both schools is due by March 5. To register or view the schools’ complete agenda, visit this website.

The schools are also sponsored by the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council.

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