‘Let’s Talk, Ladies’ is new service of Christ Hospital aimed at reaching out to women on health

Reports published by the U.S Department of Health indicate that women make more than 80 percent of today’s family healthcare decisions. Men are traditionally less proactive about their health, while children and aging parents may require more and more of their time. In this chaotic environment, women can be overwhelmed by the many healthcare decisions required of them.
As a leader in women’s health, The Christ Hospital Health Network assembled a group of women in order to understand their needs, wants and frustrations with today’s healthcare.

The answer was simple: ease and convenience. One focus group attendee noted “I want my healthcare to be like Amazon and all the other services in my life that are easy and convenient. And I want to know I can trust the product/quality of the service.”
With that as the backdrop, a team of Christ Hospital physicians, nurses and staff went to work to create just that.
The “Let’s Talk, Ladies” program was designed by women, for women, and addresses concerns women may have throughout their lifetime. Grounded in clinical excellence, the program is led by five top female physicians who work in a range of areas that impact women. Our physicians treat women across a variety of services (oncology, OB/GYN, musculoskeletal, primary care, urogynecology) and care for women of all ages. Unlike a program that views an issue through a single lens, our program provides a more holistic view across the wider continuum of care. And because all our physicians are working moms with careers and families to manage, they understand the underlying issues woman face.
“Let’s Talk, Ladies” provides women several options for access, depending on their preference:

·         Live events where women can come and talk to healthcare professionals about real-life issues in a safe and comfortable environment
·         For those who prefer online offerings, the hospital offers webisodes that feature our five women physicians talking about health dilemmas facing women today
·         A central repository of information and education with life stage tips and screening information. 
·         Online scheduling options for primary care and screening appointments so woman can easily connect.

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