Nonprofit briefs: New Medicare card, Welcome House and Rooted Yoga, Colvin named to Horizon board

New Medicare card starting in June

In an effort to better protect the identities of people on Medicare, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have changed Medicare cards. Starting in June 2018, Kentuckians on Medicare will be receiving a new Medicare card. No longer will your social security number be used as your Medicare ID number, instead you will be receiving a new Medicare ID number that is unique to you. The new card will not change your coverage or benefits.

To prepare for the arrival of your new, updated card, be sure that your mailing address is up to date with CMS, by contacting Social Security at 1-800-772-1213. Also, beware of anyone who contacts you about your new Medicare card unless they are a registered SHIP counselor. Medicare will never ask you to give personal or private information to get your new Medicare number and card. The process of getting your new card may take some time, so don’t worry if your card arrives at a different time than your neighbor’s or friend’s.

For a free benefits checkup, call the Benefits Enrollment Center at 1-866-516-3051 or visit online.

Get free Rooted Yoga via Welcome House

Welcome House of Northern Kentucky and Rooted Yoga have formed a new partnership through which members of the community can volunteer in exchange for free yoga. Rooted Yoga is offering unlimited yoga for $49 per month to those who volunteer at least four hours per month at Welcome House of Northern Kentucky. Those who volunteer more than four hours can potentially earn unlimited yoga for free.

Welcome House of Northern Kentucky has been serving the community since 1982, providing a continuum of services that end homelessness and promote stability for each person they serve.

“We practice yoga together so that we all can build a better community, from our tribe at the studio to Covington neighborhoods and beyond,” said Jessica Starr, owner of Rooted Yoga.

Those interested in volunteering for free yoga can reach out to Sara Kahmann at (859) 341-8717 or via email at and mention the Rooted Yoga karma exchange.

Colvin named to Horizon board

Garren Colvin has been appointed to the board that governs Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky.

Garren Colvin

Colvin has served as President and Chief Executive Officer of St. Elizabeth Healthcare since June 2015, bringing with him more than 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry. Under Colvin’s guidance, St. Elizabeth Healthcare has shown a consistent financial increase and improvement each year, reaching new heights in 2009 when Standard & Poor’s and Fitch upgraded St. Elizabeth Healthcare’s bond ratings to AA- (up from A+).

“I am incredibly honored and humbled to be joining the Horizon Community Funds Council of Trustees,” Colvin said. “St. Elizabeth Healthcare shares the same passion and commitment to working collaboratively with other Northern Kentucky leaders to improve the health and vibrancy of our community.”

Horizon Community Funds of Northern Kentucky is a charitable 501(c)(3) organization established as a community foundation in 2017 by Northern Kentucky leaders. Its mission is to unite resources to raise the quality of life for all people in the Northern Kentucky community. More information can be found at

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