Senate confirms Jennings as first woman to serve as U.S. District Judge for Western District of Kentucky

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered remarks on the Senate floor following the Senate confirmation of Rebecca Grady Jennings of Louisville, Kentucky to serve on the United States District Court for the Western District of Kentucky.

Sen. McConnell and Jennings at her nomination hearing in November (provided).

In November, Senator McConnell welcomed Jennings to the U.S. Capitol and introduced her at the nomination hearing.

“Today, the Senate completed its personnel business this week the way that we started – by confirming a talented nominee to be a federal district judge in Kentucky.

“President Trump nominated Rebecca Grady Jennings to be the first woman to serve as a U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Kentucky. Widely-recognized for her outstanding legal abilities and judgment, Ms. Jennings has earned the support of Kentucky’s legal community.

“In fact, dozens of her peers wrote that, ‘She has a first-rate analytical mind and superb judgement. She is principled, thoughtful, and hard-working.’ These qualities are exactly what I believe we need on the federal district courts.

“Our colleagues on the Judiciary Committee agreed, advancing Ms. Jennings’ nomination to the Senate floor by a voice vote. And just moments ago, the Senate fulfilled its responsibility, confirming another well-qualified nominee. Kentucky, and the nation, will be well-served with Rebecca Grady Jennings on the bench.

“I hope the Senate can build on this momentum and continue confirming more of the president’s abundantly-qualified nominees without undue delay.”

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell


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