Primary Kenton County: Sanders, Commonwealth’s Atty; Chapman, Sheriff; Roush, family court

Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney

I’m Rob Sanders and I’m asking for your vote to keep serving as Commonwealth’s Attorney in Kenton County. I’ve got 12 years’ experience as chief felony prosecutor and in that time the Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office has transformed into the best prosecutor’s office in Kentucky! We have a proven record of taking difficult cases to trial and winning guilty verdicts against the worst criminals imaginable. Murderers, child molesters, rapists, robbers, burglars, drug dealers and arsonists are just some of the evil individuals we lock up for decades at a time to make certain they no longer pose a threat to the good people of our county. I maintain a full caseload and frequently prosecute jury trials personally, but I have also assembled a staff of Assistants who are among the finest trial attorneys in Kentucky. Regardless of which prosecutor handles a case, the citizens of Kenton County, not the criminal, will be represented by the best attorney in the courtroom.

Rob Sanders

Prosecuting is not only about getting long sentences in high-profile cases, though. We also lead the way in combating the heroin epidemic by compelling addicts to complete intensive drug treatment. In 2015, I partnered with long-time, former defense attorney, Burr Travis, to create the Heroin Expedited Addiction Recovery Treatment or “HEART” program to get low-level drug offenders– “users,” not “dealers”– out of jail, off taxpayers’ dime, and into intensive treatment within ten days. With cooperation from Kenton County Fiscal Court, Kenton County Detention Center, TANK, judges, and multiple treatment providers, addicts now receive a certified addiction assessment and are driven directly to the treatment program best suited to address their needs before bad habits or influences can steer them off the road to recovery. Since its’ inception, HEART has compelled over 1,000 addicts into treatment and saved Kenton County taxpayers hundreds of thousands in jail costs. More importantly, HEART saves lives.

Outside the courtroom, our office partners with law enforcement to build the best possible cases against criminals. We have a prosecutor “on call” to consult with police 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I personally respond to every homicide scene to assist detectives and make certain we’re preparing the case for court long before an arrest is even made. We also draft every search warrant and review every arrest warrant before sending them on to judges to be certain everything is done correctly. The results speak for themselves in the form of guilty verdicts our juries return on a regular basis. Our preparation, participation, and partnership with law enforcement are the foundation justice is built on. It’s also the reason I received every Fraternal Order of Police endorsement in Kenton County! The police working daily to keep our community safe know we do great work.

My leadership in law enforcement is not confined to Kenton County. I’ve been appointed by two governors to represent Commonwealth’s Attorneys on the Prosecutors’ Advisory Council so Kenton County has a “seat at the table” when it comes to prosecutors’ budgetary and policy decisions statewide. I’ve also been elected President of the Kentucky Commonwealth’s Attorneys Association, representing all 57 felony prosecutor offices. I’ve used my statewide recognition to influence legislative changes to benefit law enforcement and crime victims, as well as, to shield Kentucky from bad ideas that would only help criminals. One accomplishment of which I am very proud is the passage of “Ernie’s Law” which made serious assaults on police K9’s a felony. I took up the cause after a career criminal shot Covington Police K9 Ernie but could only be charged with a misdemeanor because Ernie recovered and returned to work. No such injustice will ever be repeated in Kentucky.

Government transparency is also important to me. I wanted citizens to be aware of the crimes occurring in Kenton County and know how we handle every case, so I became the first prosecutor in Kentucky to publish a weekly e-newsletter to inform the public who was convicted of what crimes, the sentences our prosecutors recommended, and the sentences actually imposed by the courts. “This Week In Kenton Circuit Court” now goes out to over 8,000 recipients every Friday. You can sign up to receive the newsletter by emailing me at

Prosecuting is not just a job for me, it is my passion. I thrive on keeping Kenton County safe from violent criminals. I look forward to compelling more addicts into treatment and recovery. I enjoy leading Kentucky’s prosecutors and constantly striving to improve our criminal justice system.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as Commonwealth’s Attorney for the last two terms. I would appreciate everyone’s vote on May 22nd so I can continue this incredibly important work. Lives and public safety depend on it and I never take that responsibility lightly.

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Kenton County Sheriff

I have been a police officer for 28 years, working in patrol, narcotics investigations and a supervisor. Currently, I am a police officer for the city of Bellevue.

I am a small business owner, father, and husband (Amy Foltz). We reside in Edgewood with our three sons.

At an early age in Gallatin County, I developed a strong work ethic which I will carry with me into the sheriff’s office.

Marc Chapman

I am running for Kenton County Sheriff because I see where change is needed. I am not a politician. I am the only candidate who has dedicated his life to public service through law enforcement. I am the only candidate that has a true understanding of the problems of today and will continue my hands-on approach as sheriff.

We are dealing with an opioid crisis, schools in crisis, and a pension crisis. Kenton County needs a sheriff with the background to deal with these problems. If ever there was time for a new perspective, it’s now. Being a police officer has allowed me to see first-hand the strengths and struggles of our communities. I see the effects of drug addiction every night when I go to work. The people of Kenton County don’t need words, they need action.

Due to the many police agencies in Kenton County with limited manpower and resources, our busy interstates do not get the traffic enforcement that they need.

I will create a dedicated unit to focus on troubled spots throughout the county such as I-75 and I-275 to increase safety for motorists. This unit will also interdict drugs coming into Kenton County. This will allow police agencies to be a greater presence in their communities.

I will work with school administrators and law enforcement to help make our schools safer. I have participated in active shooter training for 20 years.

I understand the dynamics and the practices of police training for active shooter events and will bring common sense to these discussions as we move to better protect our children.

We can’t continue to do the same things and expect different results. The time for progress and change in the Kenton County Sheriff’s Office is now.

For more information: or Facebook Elect Marc Chapman Kenton County Sheriff

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Kenton County Family Court Judge

As a 16+ year veteran of our local family court system, I believe I am uniquely qualified to serve Kenton County. Family courts hear not just divorce and custody cases, but also juvenile status offense cases, dependency, neglect and abuse cases, and domestic violence and child support cases. The job is a broad one that requires deep knowledge of a lot of different legal areas, and I have worked my entire career to prepare for this honor. I was not politically appointed to this position, but instead, seek to earn it based on years of hard work.

Pete Roush

I come from a military family. My father, a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel, taught me that it is best to serve people and do what I can to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. My mother showed me how important it is to care about all people no matter their background and to have empathy for those facing obstacles. Both of my parents impressed upon me the importance of family, faith, and country. They showed me that you don’t have to be wealthy to be happy. Most importantly, they both taught me that if you work hard, do what is right, face your fears and continue to do your best, your life will be fulfilling. I have been humbled and blessed to have them by my side campaigning with me. I firmly believe that it is through their teaching that I have become the successful attorney I am today. I am also a proud brother and uncle to the children in my family and count the time when we all went to Disney World as one of the best trips of my life – and that was only a couple of years ago! Yes, I was the big kid who loved the roller coasters.

I received my degree in political science from the University of Kentucky, and my Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Eastern Kentucky University. I earned my Juris Doctor at Northern Kentucky University’s Chase College of Law. I am also a professor, having taught Introduction to Law at Northern Kentucky University until I joined Thomas More College, where for the last ten years I have taught Business Law.

I began my career as a Public Defender, primarily assigned to the juvenile docket defending children charged with public and status offenses. I moved to the other side of the courtroom in 2004 where I worked for Garry Edmondson and operated as the Chief Juvenile Prosecutor, prosecuting public and status offenses and dependency, neglect, and abuse cases. In 2007, I was awarded the statewide Juvenile Justice Award by the Kentucky County Attorney’s Association for my service.

That same year I opened my private law practice in Covington, Kentucky and focused my practice on working for families. As a family law attorney, I have worn every hat and have seen the issues from all sides. I have represented individuals in matters involving divorce, child support, custody, paternity, adoptions, domestic violence, and termination of parental rights. For years, I have served the Commonwealth by representing thousands of abused and neglected children and indigent parents.

I am often on the front line of the opioid crisis, working with social workers, educators, judges and lawyers to try and work with every family to effectuate change, protecting children first and always. Though I have lost clients to this horrible disease, I am also aware of how many hundreds of people we have helped through substance abuse treatment and other services, as well as how many children we have kept safe from horrible circumstances.

People ask me what they should look for in a good judge. My answer is a simple one:

Knowledge of the law.

I believe I embody each of these qualities, and that they will guide me as your Family Court Judge.

I pride myself on my ability to understand other people’s points of view. I believe that each person, regardless of race, gender, religion, political belief, education or financial status should be given the opportunity to receive the fair and unbiased administration of justice.  I will work hard to respect both the people and attorneys who come before me. Life has enough drama. It shouldn’t get worse in the courtroom.

As a snapshot of the broad support for my campaign, I am the only candidate who is endorsed by Northern Kentucky Right to Life and the AFL-CIO – two seemingly diverse organizations on the political spectrum. I also have strong support and endorsements from law enforcement, educators, social workers, court administrative staff and, of course, other lawyers.

I look forward to serving Kenton County as your next Family Court Judge.

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