Public hearing in Covington Monday to discuss proposed residential development on Gateway site

A public hearing on Monday will give city leaders and residents the opportunity to weigh in on a proposal to build 82 single-family homes on a hillside overlooking Covington.

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The 27.7-acre property is the site of the former Hilltop Campus of Gateway Community & Technical College, on the west side of West Pike Street as it becomes Dixie Highway.

Most of the land – 20.2 acres – is in Covington, with the rest in Park Hills.

Developer Paul Zeltwanger, who owns Condoview LLC, bought the property in 2017. He is proposing to build up to 82 single-family luxury homes, which is scaled down from earlier plans.

Condoview has applied for two things from the Covington City Commission:

1)    A zone change for a small portion of the property – about 1.6 acres – to match the zoning classification of the rest of the land and create flexibility in meeting standards like setback requirements (Area A on map).

2)    Approval of the Stage 1 Development Plan depicting a conceptual design of the proposed subdivision for the land that is in Covington (Area B on map).

In order for the project to move forward, the development plan will also need to be approved by the Park Hills City Council for the land that is in Park Hills (Area C on map).

The Kenton County Planning Commission recommended approval of the Covington zone change and the development plan on April 5 after holding its own public hearing.

On Monday, the developer, county planners, and Covington’s zoning and legal staff will make presentations and then open the floor to residents who want to make comments. The City Commission will be able to ask questions and comments.

The hearing begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Commission chambers at Covington City Hall, 20 W. Pike St.

Here are the video links to the April 5 hearing/meeting by the planning commission: HERE (relevant discussion begins at about 28:50) and HERE.

City of Covington

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