First Lady Glenna Bevin launches ‘Uniting the Community’ to rally support for foster care, adoption

First Lady Glenna Bevin joined with the Governor’s Office of Faith and Community Based Initiatives, Orphan Care Alliance, and 16 local organizations in Hardin County to launch “Uniting the Community” on Sunday.

This new initiative engages the faith community, local government, and nonprofit organizations to empower Kentucky families to support foster care and adoption.

“The support of the local community is critical to creating healthy environments for our most vulnerable children and families, and Matt and I are abundantly grateful for your interest in coming alongside Kentucky’s foster and adoptive families,” said the First Lady. “As our state motto says, ‘United we stand. Divided we fall.’ We have already seen there is no limit to what we can accomplish when we work together. With the dedication and support of community organizations and the faith community, Kentucky’s goal of having the best foster care and adoption system in the United States will quickly become a reality.”

This afternoon’s kickoff event, held at the Pritchard Community Center in Elizabethtown, provided details on how local citizens and organizations can support, encourage, and help meet the needs of children and families in their own community.

“One of the goals of this initiative is to help people understand the great need for individuals and families in this community to come alongside vulnerable children to provide care and support,” said Alicia Johnson, special advisor to First Lady in the Governor’s Office of Faith and Community Based Initiatives.

“That may be through providing a loving home or through finding other ways to show love. We are excited to see how this community is going to answer this call.”

First Lady Glenna Bevin

The First Lady plans to expand the “Uniting the Community” initiative to at least a half-dozen Kentucky counties through the end of next year. The next local event will be held in Daviess County on September 16.

“I think it is great that the First Lady is gathering the government, faith-based and community resources together to care for the children of Kentucky,” said Darren Washausen, executive director of Orphan Care Alliance. “No one organization can provide all that is needed, so working together is the way to solve this growing concern in our state.

“Our communities will need to pull together if we are to make a meaningful impact for the children of Kentucky. There are ways for everyone to engage, and it will take all of us. I applaud the First Lady for creating this initiative that targets the areas of most need in Kentucky and calling for those in the community to find their role.”

For more information or to participate in the First Lady’s “Uniting the Community” initiative please contact Orphan Care Alliance at 502-498-4765 or

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