Candidates: Mattone in Park Hills; Lisa Kelly, write-in Ft. Thomas council; McKee, Boone constable

Matt Mattone, Park Hills Council

On Election Day 2014, over 500 residents opted to “write-in” a candidate for mayor as their choice for positive, inclusive change. On November 6th, I humbly ask that you consider casting one vote for Matt Mattone, to continue that path we began four years ago.

Why I choose to serve? I truly believe that we, as Americans, have a civic responsibility to serve our country and community. With more than 20 years of collaborative design and planning experience, a professional degree in architecture, and four years of public service leadership, I want to continue to encourage residents to get involved with the decision making processes in Park Hills, which my family and I have called home since 2012

I have welcomed more than 50 residents and business owners to volunteer to serve on committees and boards with council and me. Residents and the public are welcomed and regularly attend our Monthly Business and Caucus Meetings, and actively participate in our Public Forums and lecture events. Under the new leadership team, the Park Hills Civic Association has flourished and expanded the traditions that were begun many years ago.

Matt Mattone

For the first time in years, Park Hills is blossoming with optimism, civic engagement, and community pride.

Why run for Council after being Mayor? After discussing options with family, friends, public officials, and civic leaders, I decided with the support of my wife and four amazing kids, I could not make the same 100%+ time commitment to serve as both mayor and volunteer city administrator. But if elected to Council, I can pledge to dedicate the time necessary to fulfill the duties and obligations to be an effective, and inclusive legislator.

Why vote for me? Over the past four years, I have led by understanding the community issues from 50,000 feet above the ground and at street level concurrently. This was achieved by building relationships with our residents, fellow elected officials, public service professionals, and scores of community leaders. But my greatest strength is my unbridled commitment to collaboration.

I’ve worked with council and residents to introduce many policies that will ensure our future success and give residents the assurances that our city is governed consistently and transparently. From OpenGov, introducing a 10 year Capital Improvement Plan, and hiring a professional municipal financial consultant, we are moving forward.

Currently, I am a Board Member on the Kenton Conservancy, Secretary of The Kenton County Mayors’ Group, a two-term member of the Planning and Developments Services of Kenton County’s Management Board, and graduated from Leadership Northern Kentucky this spring. I was awarded the “Level I- Achievement in City Government” by the Kentucky League of Cities after completing more than 30 hours of coursework.

What do we need? Much has changed in Park Hills over the past four years, most of which has been positive, but some transformations occurred because we were simply not prepared. We must develop a Comprehensive Plan which preserves our unique residential characteristics, protects our historic neighborhood streets and trees, and promotes sustainable economic development along the Dixie Corridor and for all of Park Hills.

As Mayor, I assembled a Financial Oversight Committee comprised of elected officials and residents, to develop budgets that have been succinct, accurate, and transparent. If elected, it will continue to be my responsibility to review all expenditures, projects, and policies to ensure residents receive the best value for the tax dollars collected by the city.

Cities will continue to face economic pressures to cover the anticipated increases for municipal services, mandatory pension obligations, and the replacement of aging equipment and infrastructure. We must assess the cost of services and determine what we can afford.

Imagine where we’ll go when community needs are prioritized over politics.

Why vote Matt Mattone again? Progress is the power of an engaged community; I will continue to fulfil my role as a collaborative leader who seeks to connect residents and businesses with the best public policies.

I will work to keep our tax rates down, maintain our autonomous Police and Fire Departments, preserve our historic community charm, protect our streets and urban canopy, promote responsible development along the Dixie Corridor, continue to expand safe pedestrian pathways across town, look for partnerships to expand our City’s parks, and continue to encourage residents to get involved.

I have not, and will not run against another candidate, but for a better future in Park Hills and the region.

This time, when you vote, you won’t even have to remember how to spell my name!

Lisa Kelley, Ft. Thomas Council

My name is Lisa Kelly and I’m running for re-election as a write-in for Fort Thomas City Council. I accomplished a lot in my 10 years on council, but I want to accomplish even more.

I own Dirty Hairy’s Dog Spa and Pet Wants on South Fort Thomas Ave. Being a small business owner in our city has taught me what it takes to attract and keep businesses in town. I can offer my expertise to those wanting to own a business in Fort Thomas.

My businesses also allow members of the community to reach out to me face-to-face. I encourage residents to stop by the store to share their thoughts and concerns.

Lisa Kelly

I frequently support Fort Thomas Public and Parochial schools through my businesses with in-kind or product donations to fundraisers. I’ve tried to use my businesses to support the community as well. A few years ago, Dirty Hairy’s hosted a dog wash called Washout Histio and donated all the proceeds to the Histio Association. This was inspired by a young resident who had been diagnosed with a rare childhood cancer called Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis. We have also had events for SAAP and other local animal rescues and have donated food, supplies, and grooming to help stray animals find homes.

I have worked to preserve green spaces and residential zones and improve recreational opportunities for our residents. I have been part of the improvements at Tower, Rossford and Highland Parks. As the chair of the Regional Partnerships and Collaboration committee, I very much look forward to implementing our visioning plan over the next five years and beyond. It has been a tremendous experience working with the other committees and city staff to come up with some exciting and unique ideas to enhance the place we all call home.

I will continue to fight against the annual tax increase and advocate for an equitable split of cost for road repairs with homeowners. I have supported the VA Homes purchase and look forward to seeing the renovation process through. I want to work toward the city having better transparency and communication with our residents. More than anything, I want your voice to be heard and I want you to be a part of the process.

I am the only woman and mother running for council. I have raised my two children in Fort Thomas for the same reasons that so many others have. My children are both graduates of Highlands High School and thankful to have grown up in such a great town which is truly one of a kind.

Ten years ago, I decided to run for Fort Thomas City Council on the last day to register and won the seat. I decided then to keep the tradition by always registering on the last day. However, due to life’s unexpected twists, I missed the 2018 filing deadline. However, I remain committed to representing you on city council and would appreciate your write-in vote on Tuesday, November 6. You will find a line at the bottom of the council candidate list on the ballot for a write-in. Don’t forget to put a checkmark in that box and WRITE-IN LISA KELLY.

Richard McKee, Boone County Constable

Thank you to the NKyTribune for the opportunity to discuss my candidacy for Constable District No. 1 Boone County.

I am campaigning as an independent in my first election bid, to serve the citizens of Boone County in a positive and professional manner.

As a former educator of 36 years, I have served as a teacher, counselor and principal in Kentucky and Ohio and I value the positive effect of public education. Through that time, I have spearheaded positive reforms in school security and led communities to become thriving safe places to grow. I have spoken in local, regional and national conferences and have attended seminars concerning school safety programs.

Richard McKee

The safety of children has been and is my number one priority

My platform evolves out of the necessity of establishment of neighborhood watch programs to help citizens become involved in the safety of their communities. I realize several communities in Boone County have Neighborhood Watch Programs, but it seems they are not being utilized to their full capacity to help notify law enforcement concerning potential or ongoing crimes.

As a Constable, I intend to unite communities to help inform law enforcement to help keep our communities safe places to grow and thrive. I will conduct seminars with neighbors relating to law enforcement and threat assessment.

Also, as an officer of the court, I will serve summons and subpoenas and work with the County Sheriff to help relieve some of the burden from law enforcement and to make the connections with our communities.

I have had extensive experience in the criminal justice system in Ohio having been able to help prosecute over 100 cases in adult and juvenile court.

Additionally, I have been endorsed by the AFL – CIO Labor Council in Northern Kentucky and I thank them for the endorsement.

I am a small business owner, teaching Conceal and Carry courses which is accredited by the Better Business Bureau and I am also Kentucky Colonel along with being a member of the National Rifle Association and a supporter of the KyPOST program to train teachers to diffuse potential hostile situations in schools.

Please remember that each vote counts, so please consider each candidate on their merits and not party affiliation.

I would appreciate your vote on November 6.

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