Letter to Editor: Retired teacher Gail McAdams, 120 Strong member, speaks out on candidates

My name is Gail McAdams. I am a retired teacher from Grant and Boone Counties. I taught a total of 30 years, in grades one through six.

I have always been an activist, when it comes to social issues. But since I have retired, my heart aches when I see what is happening to our Public Schools. I helped build KERA and it was not perfect, but legislation was focused on the students and teachers of this state.

I became deeply involved with the pro-education movement of Kentucky. I have marched, packed lunches, made signs, sent emails, made phone calls, pointed my finger at legislators and gave speeches all in favor of public schools and higher education institutions.

I joined the 120 Strong, which is a statewide group that supports teachers, students, and public employees. Our promise was if you voted against the general welfare of students, teachers and public employees in the last legislative session, we would vote you out.

I always try to keep my promises. So I have become highly involved with candidates in Boone County that are running against legislators that were in office during the last session. I am sharing what I know.

Knowing and understanding SB 151 is a must. It began with an 11-page sewer bill that quickly became a 291-page Pension bill. It was introduced and changed within a 6-hour window behind closed doors. The public was not given the opportunity to review or comment. Voted and sent to the Governor. This bill is still in court proceedings after being sent to the Kentucky Supreme Court, under the assumption that the bill was illegally sent through the general assembly. This bill not only affected 200,000 families of educators, public employees, police, fire and first responders; it is a threat to our democracy. We cannot allow this to be a precedent to other bills that are sent to Frankfort.

I am an education voter, I choose my candidates by their belief in fully funding public education, backing a pension that was promised to over 200,000 families of Kentucky. If you assisted in hiding this bill in a 11-page sewer bill, if you gave your vote after no public opinion, if you refused to come to a town hall where the public would be given a chance to voice their opinion, my goal is to VOTE YOU OUT!

This information is my opinion but based on facts. The information I am using comes from their 120 questionnaires (if completed), websites, personal quotes, and KY legislation ky.gov. I am only addressing educational issues.

120 = endorsement of 120 Strong

State Representative District 60 (Boone County)

Sal Santoro – Voted yes on Bill 151. Vote him Out!

120 Jesse Parks – “My focus is to fully support our teachers, police, firefighters, and other public employees and keep the promises made to them so we can keep our neighborhoods safe with the most dedicated police and keep our public schools with the best teachers.” This is my candidate, I am able to vote for him on November 6th. I serve on his election committee, I have canvassed for him, I have ridden parade floats, I monitor his Facebook, I have written postcards, attended fundraisers, delivered signs, created documents, baked cookies, created a float and worked the Fair Booth. I find him kind and sincere. His daughter attends New Haven Elementary, and I do not remember a Friday that he has missed eating lunch with her. Candidates and legislators need to be in the eye of Public Education.

State Representative District 61 (Parts of Boone, Grant, Scott, & Kenton Counties)

Savannah Maddox – “With unfunded pension liabilities looming on the horizon, it is crucial that state legislators take measures to ensure a secure and promising future for all Kentuckians. I will work to achieve solutions that transition our retirement system into a model that is both fiscally sound and sustainable for the future.” Taking a look at her photo gallery I see pictures of her with Thomas Massie and Damon Thayer legislators that are not teacher friendly.

120 Darrell Link – Priorities – Fully funding pensions & supporting K – 12 education and teachers. “By cleaning up ineffective tax breaks and making certain those at the top contribute their fair share, we can have the sustainable revenue required to invest in education and retirement security. “ Taking a look at his photo gallery I see several pictures of Darrell standing with teachers at the Frankfort protests. His postcards say, “ I am not going to Frankfort for a job, I’m going to fight.”

State Representative – 63rd District (Boone & Kenton Counties)

Diane St. Onge – voted yes on bill 151-Vote her Out!

120 Josh Blair – I feel that Josh has a handle on what is going on in the schools, day to day operation. “For 2018 – 2019, public schools in Kentucky had their entire funding for textbooks and teacher professional development eliminated. There were also cuts to funding for preschool. And any increase in SEEK funding, when adjusted for inflation is lower than pre- 2008 levels.” “When higher education budgets are cut, it means 2 things: 1) a reduction in staff & services and 2) increased tuition. If obtaining a college degree becomes out of reach for more and more families, our workforce suffers.”

State Representative – 66th District (Boone)

C. Ed Massey – 22 years on Boone County Board of Education. “I believe in the Public Education system and providing all children the free and appropriate education to which they deserve. Education is the key to economic development and viability. We have to take care of those who take care of our children.” My research says that Massey does not support tenure and dances around the question of supporting unions in education.

120 Roberto Henriquez – “I strongly support teacher tenure. This provides experienced teachers protection from being fired for non-educational reasons such as personality conflicts or personal differences with administrators or school board members.”

“I support strong union representation for teachers including negotiated contracts. Teachers deserve professional representation to protect their interests in creating the best possible learning environment for students.”

Alexis Hannan III – Libertarian Unable to locate education opinions.

Stacie Earl – Independent – Pro teacher, Pro student, Pro retired teacher….stated in a video, but unable to locate opinions to back-up statements.

State Representative – District 69

Adam Koenig – Voted yes on bill 151 – Vote him Out!

Col Owens – “Public employees – teachers, police, firefighters, and others – have traditionally relied on pension plans as a significant part of their compensation. They work for less than they could make in the private sector because they are committed to public service and because they agree to accept lower pay in exchange for a secure pension at retirement.” I stood with Col in the capitol building as they were voting in closed session. I am not in his district, but I see a great dedication to the people in this man. It is important enough to me to spend time getting out his vote.

Please check out your ballot, know your districts, make a plan to Vote on November 6th. Matt Bevin is betting on teachers not following through on their Remember in November chant.

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