Kentucky Lottery introduces new KENO Bulls-Eye feature — provides additional chances to win prizes

Kentucky Lottery players now have a new way to win even more prizes in the popular game Keno, as the new Bulls-Eye feature is now available.
Players can choose to add the Bulls-Eye to their base Keno wager for a chance to win additional prizes. Adding Bulls-Eye will double the cost of the base Keno wager.

For example, if a player wagers $5 on their base Keno game, adding Bulls-Eye will cost an additional $5.

During every drawing, a Bulls-Eye number is selected from one of the 20 winning Keno numbers drawn. If any of a player’s numbers match the Bulls-Eye number, the player wins a Bulls-Eye prize in addition to any base Keno winnings.
“Players really respond well to any additional chances to win, and we think Bulls-Eye will be a hit with our core players,” said Kentucky Lottery President and CEO Tom Delacenserie.

He said the lottery has an aggressive goal of Keno sales in excess of $100 million in the next two years, and that Bulls-Eye will be a big factor in this effort. The game has already proven very popular with players – Delacenserie says last year Keno actually surpassed Powerball in sales, becoming the second-most popular draw game behind Pick 3.
“Anything we can do to grow sales has a direct impact on growth of the college scholarship and grant programs we fund, including the popular KEES scholarship” says Delacenserie. “We know our state’s best, brightest and most deserving students are counting on us.”

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