Kentucky partnered with BrightBytes to introduce a new 2017-2018 Kentucky School Report Card in January 2019.
Now that it is public, the Kentucky Department of Education’s next step is to collect feedback from the public in order to continue to grow and improve the card for future years.
BrightBytes is leading the effort to collect feedback.
Providing feedback can be responding to a quick survey using the SRC Feedback tool or taking advantage of an opportunity to provide more in-depth feedback by signing up using this Google document.
There are two options for providing more in-depth feedback:
1. Focus Group – In-person meeting for groups of 3-12 participants will be held in Frankfort. Sessions are scheduled for Feb. 27-28.
2. Moderated interview – One-on-one user experience interviews conducted remotely via a virtual meeting, lasting up to 1 hour.
BrightBytes seeks participants who are interested in learning more about Kentucky schools and who are not already very familiar with the new School Report Card. Additionally, ideal participants are parents of a student(s) in the Kentucky K-12 education system and/or reside in Kentucky.
Opportunities to participate are limited, but KDE needs broad representation in the feedback collected.
This initial round of feedback is being collected through March 1.