Population grows at Prisoners Lake; State delivers 3,250 redear sunfish through FINs program

Anglers will now have a better chance of watching their bobbers bounce and their corks careen at Prisoners Lake in Covington.

A closeup of a redear (taken during an earlier sampling session) shows the distinctive red/orange trim around the black gill flap. (Photo courtesy of KDFWR)

A truck from the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources delivered 3,250 redear sunfish last week ranging in size from 3- to 6-inches long.

The delivery was part of the Fisheries Division’s FINs (Fishing in Neighborhoods) program, whose aim “is to create quality fishing opportunities near cities of all sizes throughout the state.”

Located in Devou Park, the 3.8-acre Prisoners Lake is a popular fishing spot. At about 26 feet deep at its deepest point, the lake also includes largemouth bass, catfish, and, during cold months, rainbow trout.

According to state fisheries biologists, a redear sunfish can be distinguished from a bluegill in that it has an orange or red sliver around its black gill flap; has no dark spot at the rear of its soft dorsal fin (running atop its back); and typically lacks pronounced, dark vertical bars on its body.

Kentucky fisheries tech Willie Clifton prepares to release redear sunfish in Prisoners Lake

Most max out at 8 to 11 inches, or about 1 pound.

Prisoners Lake is one of 44 “neighborhood lakes” around Kentucky stocked regularly by KDFWR, with periodic delivers of rainbow trout, catfish, and sunfish.

Note that anglers ages 16 to 64 must buy a state fishing license in order to fish in Prisoners Lake, with a couple of exceptions. The daily creel limit for lakes in FINs program lakes includes 15 sunfish and 4 catfish.

For more information on the FINs program, fishing regulations, and licenses, see HERE.

City of Covington

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