Go Vote, NKyians! Check these helpful tips so you are ready to make your choices; remind your friends . . .

It’s Election Day and the polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Leave no one behind.

“Being prepared before going to the polls helps make Election Day run smoothly for everyone. This is an important election with races at every level and a long ballot, so I encourage Kentucky voters to take note of these helpful tips,” said Grimes, Kentucky’s Chief Election Official.

• DO verify your voter registration status before you head to the polls. Registration status is available GoVoteKY.com, Kentucky’s one-stop voter portal.

• DO know where you vote. You can find the address of and driving directions to your polling location through GoVoteKY.com.

• DO know the most convenient time to vote. Polls tend to be busiest during the morning and evening rush hours and at lunchtime.
• DO bring appropriate identification to your polling location. You must either be known by a precinct officer or produce a driver’s license, social security card, credit card or other form of identification that contains both a picture and signature in order to cast a ballot.

• DON’T wait until the last minute to head to the polls or be discouraged by long lines. Remember, as long as you are in line by 6 p.m. local time on Nov. 6, you will be allowed to cast your ballot.

• DON’T record the identity of other voters in the voting room, including through the use of cameras and cell phones.

• DO ask a poll worker for instructions on how to use the voting machine or other procedural questions if you are confused about the voting process.

• DO let officials know immediately if you encounter any problems at the polls. You can address issues with your precinct election officers, your county clerk, the State Board of Elections at 502-573-7100, or the Attorney General’s Election Fraud Hotline at 1-800-328-VOTE.

• DON’T forget to thank your poll workers. It takes 15,000 to run an election, and the process would not be possible without them. They deserve our appreciation.

• DO remind your friends and family to vote. Our democratic society is at its best when all eligible voters participate in elections.

• DON’T forget that you can check unofficial election results by visiting GoVoteKY.com.

For additional election information, visit GoVoteKY.com, follow @kysecofstate on Twitter and like Kentucky Office of the Secretary of State on Facebook.

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