Cave tours, winter survival, rappelling, ice climbing, and guided hikes are among more than 200 activities offered at the 11th Annual Winter Adventure Weekend, set for Jan. 23-26, 2020, at Carter Caves State Resort Park.
The four-day event offers 243 workshops and field trips for beginners to advanced winter adventurers based on difficulty and skills required.
New field trips added for 2020 include I-Did-A-Hike Challenge, Pit Plunging, Primitive Traps and Trapping, Competitive Fire Building, and the Big Foot Adventure Hike!
Friday night features a presentation on “The John Muir Trail- The Most Beautiful Trail in America,” by Andy Niekamp. Saturday night offers “Yosemite: A 2,650 Foot Rappelling Adventure,” a presentation by Becca Holmes and Tiffany Puff.
Other featured events Saturday include a silent auction by the Friends of Carter Caves, a squeezebox competition and live music from Kentucky’s own New Beckham County Ramblers.
Participants will also be encouraged to submit photos in the Winter
Adventure Weekend Photo Salon competition. This year’s site-specific category for Carter Caves State Resort Park is Smoky Bridge.
Other categories include caving and local nature photos. The photos will be displayed during the Saturday night program and winners will be awarded ribbons.
Registration for the weekend is $20 per person and the price structure allows guests to pay for additional experiences.
Some field trips and workshops are included in registration, but many carry an additional fee. Several field trips require guests to bring their own equipment.
Trips will fill up quickly, and guests are encouraged to register online through Sunday morning of the event. Registration can also be completed on-site, pending availability, during the event.
All participants must be at least 6 years old and some trips have additional age requirements. For the complete list of field trips, registration details and more, click here.
Online registration starts Dec. 8.
Carter Caves State Resort Park is located at 344 Caveland Drive in Olive Hill. The park has a lodge with a restaurant, cottages and campground. Besides cave tours, activities include hiking, swimming, boating and fishing.
The park is off Interstate 64 at exit 161. Take U.S. 60 east. Go approximately two miles and turn left on KY 182 north. The park entrance is three miles from the left turn onto KY 182 north. For more information, call the park at 606-286-4411.
Kentucky State Parks