Ludlow, Bromley to kick off holiday season Saturday with full evening of activities — and a visit from Santa

Saturday, Dec. 7, at 5 p.m., festivities will be lively as Ludlow and Bromley kick off the Holiday Season with a full evening of activities.

Beginning at 5 p.m., a lighted parade will begin in Bromley and proceed on Elm St. to the Ludlow City Building.

Santa will be in town that evening and will be featured in the parade.

Upon completion of the parade, a tree lighting ceremony will be held at the Ludlow City Building followed by performances by UnanKored Dance Studio and a children’s ukulele group.

Before Santa gets back to work at the North Pole, children will have an opportunity to tell him their Christmas wishes.

Businesses will be open and will provide sweets and treats along Elm St.

At 8 p.m., the first annual Pajama Pub Crawl will commence. A Pub Crawl Passport can be purchased at Lagoon Saloon, Second Sight Spirits, Bircus Brewery, Ludlow Tavern and Buffalo Bar.

At midnight, at the Buffalo Bar, a raffle will be held for passport participants.

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