The Newport Business Association Annual Meeting & Presentation of Awards will be Thursday, Feb. 20, at the Newport Syndicate, 18 East Fifth St. in Newport.
The event will start at 6 p.m. and will include the installation of new officers and board of director members.
Businesses and individuals will be recognized for their outstanding contribution to the NBA and the City.
The program schedule is:
6 p.m. Complimentary hors d’ oeuvres, cash bar & music by Dare Miller
7 p.m. Welcome – Mark Ramler, NBA President
7:10 p.m. A “Nite With The Starz” – Kristen Schlotman, Film Cincinnati
7:30 p.m. Presentation of Awards: Community Leadership, Volunteer of the Year
Business of the Year, and New Business of the Year
7:50 p.m. Introduction/Installation 2020 Officers and Board Members
NBA Membership on-line 2020 applications are here.
Complimentary parking across from Syndicate in The World Peace Bell lot provided by Carlisle Enterprise Inc. & Tri-State Parking