Covington Housing Authority seeks those who sew to help seniors; resident helps public works employees

Can you sew?

The Housing Authority of Covington (HAC) is asking for your help.

Make a mask (click to enlarge). Courtesy of the Kentucky Department of Public Health

Hoping to protect the mostly elderly residents of its The Golden Tower Hi-Rise by slowing the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19 coronavirus, HAC officials have launched the “Masks200” initiative.

It’s named after HAC’s estimate that it needs at least 200 reusable masks to equip residents, staff, and others at the apartment complex with a homemade protective mask, whose use has been recommended by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for non-health care workers as an added level of protection (in addition to social distancing).

The masks are particularly important because health officials say the elderly and people with disabilities or underlying health conditions are most at risk from the coronavirus strain, said Jon Adkins, HAC’s director of resident services.

“The Housing Authority wants to do everything in its power to equip our residents to be as safe as possible,” Adkins said. “Every donated mask will potentially reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community.”

Shortly after it announced the initiative, the housing authority received one large shipment of cloth masks from a donor, Adkins said. But he said more will be needed as time goes on.

Anybody who is interested in supporting the initiative should contact Adkins at or at (859) 655-7316.

How effective is a cloth mask?

The Northern Kentucky Health Department is distributing this information from the Kentucky Department of Public Health: HERE.

Neighbor’s generosity helps Public Works mask up its employees

Kat Schunder wants to make it clear she isn’t a seamstress.

“I’ve never sewn a lick in my life,” she said.

From left, Covington Public Works employees Paul Thompson, a light equipment operator, and James Payne, a laborer 4, wear two of the homemade protective masks donated to the department (provided photo).

But when she was making small talk with her neighbor, Covington Public Works Director Chris Warneford, and heard about the difficulty he was having obtaining protective masks for his employees, she decided to learn a new skill.

So she bought a sewing machine and tracked down a supply of washable, anti-bacterial material called Mighty Bamboo Towels (“My brother’s in construction, and he said they’re basically like a filtration system,” she said).

And then she got to work making homemade protective masks, whose use has been recommended by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for non-health care workers as an added level of protection against the spread of the highly contagious strain of coronavirus that’s causing the COVID-19 pandemic.

The first mask took a while to make, Schunder said. “But I’m getting better as I go along,” she said.

Earlier this week, she turned over the first batch of 16 masks to Warneford. Now she’s making a second batch. “Any way I can help out,” she explained.

Warneford said he immediately passed out the masks to Public Works employees to wear when they have to go out “in the field” or have to ride in a truck with another worker. His department has changed staffing levels, work schedules and job procedures to practice social distancing, even from each other.

But the masks – as outlined by the CDC – offer an additional layer of protection.

“I really want to thank Kat for thinking about the guys and helping me out,” Warneford said.

City Manager David Johnston echoed that message.

Local governments and even state governments across the nation have had ongoing problems during the pandemic finding personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks, gloves and sanitizing products for their employees, as have health-care providers. Purchases are on backorder and – when states and others do place orders – they say they find that the federal government has either outbid them or sometimes has requisitioned their orders without explanation.

“Many of our Covington businesses and even individuals have stepped up and either donated supplies, or in the case of masks, made them, and we really appreciate that,” Johnston said. “These are all just great examples of the great community spirit that Covington is blessed with.”

City of Covington

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