NKU students moving back to campus for very different school year; here’s the Get Ready checklist

Northern Kentucky University students are heading back to campus again, but this new school year is very different from others. With the ongoing pandemic, NKU has adapted some traditions, like Victorfest, to promote social distancing while keeping the heart of the back to school experience.

The university also extended Move-In Day into a week to reduce density in the residence halls and on campus. Students can visit University Housing’s website for more information on Move-In Week and schedule a move-in appointment from Aug. 11-16.

NKU Moving In Day — through Aug. 17

“While this year may look different, it’s wonderful to be on our beautiful campus welcoming students back to their home away from home,” said Arnie Slaughter, Interim Chief Student Affairs Officer and Dean of Students. “Throughout the summer, our team has been working hard to anticipate our students’ needs and address them. A lot of planning went into programming to keep them engaged while social distancing.”

After 20 years celebrating the beginning of the academic year at NKU, Victorfest is getting a makeover. The university has changed up the annual welcome week with events like a drive-in movie night and virtual Day of Service, which will allow students to share experiences while social distancing. Victorfest events kick off on Aug. 17 and continue through the first week of classes.

“Shifting Victorfest virtually really challenged us and made us reconsider the way we plan student engagement and involvement on campus,” Sarah Aikman, Interim Senior Director of Student Engagement and Director of the Student Union/University Center. “NKU Student Engagement.  “But, Victorfest – at its core– is about celebrating our campus community and the beginning of a new academic year. Once we focused on that, we realized planning some fun, social distanced events will help reduce the anxieties of a new semester.”

This year, there are some new things for students to remember as they return to campus.

Get Ready Checklist

• Have your facial covering on hand. Facial coverings are mandatory on NKU’s campus. The university is providing reusable facial coverings in the Student Union for all students, faculty and staff.  
• Complete the COVID-19 self-screen before leaving your home. This can be found on our Healthy@NKU app and ensures everyone coming to campus is well.
• BOOKS: Customized course materials and resources are available to purchase online. All orders include free shipping or can be picked up on campus as the semester begins.
• FUEL NKU: Fresh produce, refrigerated, frozen and non-perishable food items and toiletry items are available for any NKU student, free of charge. Open market shopping and appointments are available.
• Health, Counseling & Student Wellness: NKU values the mental and physical health of our students, and support services are available. Contact HCSW at (859) 572-5650 or visit its website.
• PARKING PERMITS / MEAL PLAN: Students have the option to purchase a parking permit and meal plan that fits their schedule, even if they are remote.
• GET INVOLVED: NKU offers over 250 student organizations. Learn more about them on myEngagement.

To help manage and prevent the spread of COVID-19, NKU created the Norse Nine, an easy-to-remember list of proper health habits you can do to help keep everyone on campus healthier.

NKU remains ready to adapt its approach to promote the health and safety of the campus community. After the university’s Thanksgiving break, all in-person and hybrid classes will move fully online to finish out the last week of the semester.

Visit NKU’s COVID-19 Preparedness website for the latest campus communications and guidelines.

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