With their suddenness, violence, and scope, the horrific events that transpired 19 years ago today stunned and traumatized America.
Even here in Covington, 650 miles from the collapse of the Twin Towers after a coordinated terrorist attack, residents found personal connection to the tragedy beyond just the newly discovered sense of national vulnerability:
Some of us knew a victim of the 9-11 attacks. … Some of us had friends or family working in the towers or the Pentagon who barely escaped. … Many of us suddenly worried about family members who were First Responders or in the military, or who worked at a site deemed critical to the nation’s security or economy.
And – not knowing the extent of the terrorists’ plans and capabilities – Covington police officers and others were sent to guard the Brent Spence Bridge and other infrastructure in the City deemed critical to the nation.
Who and where’s next? Amid our grief and fury, we were left to ponder those questions for a long time.
Today … almost two decades later … the fear, anger, and anxiety – and the newfound sense of national unity – have been dulled by time. But those emotions lurk below the national consciousness.
At the City of Covington, we seize today to renew our appreciation for the First Responders in the City and across the world who continue to take risks for us.
We also urge our leaders to demonstrate wisdom, prudence, and foresight in addressing international challenges.
And we encourage all of us to exhibit peace, respect, and compassion in our treatment of each other.
The City of Covington