Letter to the Editor:
Senator McConnell has spent the last six years as Majority Leader as an obstructionist. It is time for him to go. He has held up action on hundreds of bills that would have strengthened voting rights, addressed climate change, health care, infrastructure, job creation and an economy to improve the lives of low- and middle-income workers. The tax package he proudly passed through in 2017 has mainly benefited the wealthy.
McConnell has failed the requirements of an effective Majority Leader by refusing to work with the minority in the Senate; he sits on bills passed by the House rather than entering into negotiations on pending bills; and worst of all, he will never bring any action to the floor unless he is assured the President gives his nod of approval. I find it ironic that the Senate is not even present in the current stimulus package that Nancy Pelosi and Steve Mnuchin have been trying to come up with, although now the President has squelched that effort. Yes, McConnell sits idly by.
McConnell knows only raw power and extreme partisanship; acting on principle is not part of the equation. After serving 36 years in the Senate, he has grown immune to the struggles of many during the COVID pandemic, including state and local governments hit hard by declining revenue. His own state of Kentucky remains one of the poorest in the country. On a local level, the big elephant in the room- the Brent Spence bridge- remains functionally obsolete.
The Senate needs fresh blood in its leadership. Kentucky voters will do a great service to the country by removing McConnell from the Senate, and restoring it to its former title as “the world’s finest deliberative body.”
Ruth Bamberger
Nice letter. You rock Ruth!