By Tom Latek
Kentucky Today
You can expect to see a heightened law enforcement presence on U.S. highways and interstates during the upcoming week as part of a nationwide safety campaign.
Kentucky State Police will be participating in Operation C.A.R.E., for Crash Awareness Reduction Effort. From November 9-16, during specific high crash periods, KSP troopers and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement officers will focus on keeping the roads safe during these dates.
They will put a high emphasis on all traffic enforcement violations, including speeding, failure to wear safety restraints such as seatbelts, impaired or distracted driving and commercial vehicle laws. In this nationwide blitz to increase safety on the roads, troopers are encouraged to report all road activity that could be dangerous to others.
“KSP is committed to protecting travelers on our roadways, and troopers will be working vigilantly this month to keep impaired and dangerous drivers off the road,” said Lt. Josh Lawson. “We are urging all drivers to do their part to keep our roads safe by obeying Kentucky traffic laws, operating their vehicle with courtesy and being aware of others while driving.”
KSP offers drivers the following tips to increase safety awareness on the roads during the month of November:
• Slow down, especially in bad weather, construction areas, heavy traffic and unfamiliar locations.
• Buckle up and ensure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained. It’s the law.
• Move over for first responders. Kentucky passed a law in 2003 requiring motorists to move to the adjacent lane when approaching an emergency or public safety vehicle. If it’s impossible or unsafe to change lanes, motorists must slow down and use caution. KSP says failure to comply can result in fines, jail time or both.
• Eliminate distractions while driving, such as cell phones. Stay alert, monitor weather and road conditions wherever you are traveling.
In accordance with Operation C.A.R.E, if you see a troublesome driver or any suspicious road conditions this holiday season, please contact your local KSP post or law enforcement agency. You can call state police at (800) 222-5555.