Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice says grant process is open for grants to help at-risk youth

Gov. Andy Beshear and the Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice have announced that applications will be available April 12 to apply for more than $340,000 in grant funding for the 2018 Title II Formula Grants Program through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). The program is administered by the United States Department of Justice.

“This funding is critical as our state works to keep low-level juvenile offenders out of the criminal justice system,” said Gov. Beshear. “Unfortunately, youth violence and criminal activity is increasing nationwide. We must do everything we can as a Commonwealth to prevent at-risk youth from becoming delinquent and from entering the juvenile justice system by intervening with first-time and non-serious offenders.”

The 2018 Title II Formula Grants Program is made available to assist state and local governments in addressing juvenile crime through technical assistance, research, training, evaluation and effective programs for intervention.

Eligible applicants include public agencies and nonprofit programs. Local units of government (i.e. city or county) and private not-for-profit organizations may apply for these funds that provide direct care services to discernable at-risk youth, ages 10 to 16. These funds should be used to support collaborative, community-based delinquency prevention efforts that are designed to keep at-risk youth and low-level non-serious offenders from entering or re-entering the juvenile justice system.

All applications must be submitted online via Intelligrants (IG), the Justice and Public Safety Cabinet’s electronic Grants Management System. New applicants will be required to establish an account and become familiar with the system well in advance of the due date. Applicants should also note that validating a new user account requires 48 to 72 hours.

Applications are due by May 17 at 6 p.m. EST and awards are expected to be announced in June.

Assistance with the application process may be obtained by contacting Grants Management staff at

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