America has seen remarkable disruption in education this year, leading to innovations in teaching and learning, as well as new opportunities for families and youth across our communities. On May 15-17, 2021, Greater Cincinnati will host the virtual Remake Learning Days festival.
Educators, artists, scientists and makers from across the region are sharing more than 100 lessons, activities and demonstrations, both on demand and as interactive sessions. These events will inspire families to spend time learning together.
Remake Learning Days Across America, a celebration of learning innovation, is in its fifth year. Greater Cincinnati joins 17 other regions to encourage and support families and students.
“I am thrilled that KnowledgeWorks and the Catalytic Fund are able to sponsor Greater Cincinnati Remake Learning Days and celebrate the talent and extensive opportunities available to families and children,” said Holly Brinkman, interim CEO of KnowledgeWorks. “As more and more organizations have stepped up to share learning opportunities for this event, all of us involved with the festival have learned about new organizations and leaders. This is also a chance for families to participate in fun and engaging educational experiences.”

To ensure that more families can participate in the event, learning activity kits filled with supplies for more than 15 of the festival’s events will be created. These kits will be available for free on a first-come, first-serve basis at several locations in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Find a full list of locations and learn where kits can be picked up here.
During Greater Cincinnati Remake Learning Days, families can find activities and lessons appropriate for children from preschool through 12th grade, all of which can be done remotely. The activities range from arts and crafts, to STEM, outdoor learning and much more. A full listing of events can be viewed here.
A number of Northern Kentucky organizations and artists have contributed lessons to the festival, including Kenton and Campbell County Libraries, Baker Hunt Art & Cultural Center, The Carnegie, Covington Partners, Creative House of Art & Design and Read Ready Covington.

Remake Learning Days Across America Producer Dorie Taylor hopes that “parents, caregivers and educators across all communities will be inspired by the learning kids are doing alongside their caring adults and think about what they hope to see in their own communities.”
“There may not be another moment in our lifetimes when educators are thinking as boldly about what education and learning might be than right now. We should embrace these innovations as signals about what’s possible,” said Gregg Behr, executive director of the Grable Foundation and co-chair of Remake Learning.
Join the virtual Greater Cincinnati Remake Learning Days on May 15-17.