SD1 approves construction of new equalization basin in Silver Grove aimed at eliminating sewer overflow

The Sanitation District No. 1 Board has approved the construction of an equalization (EQ) basin in Silver Grove that will eliminate 1.36 million gallons of typical-year combined sewer overflow (CSO).

This project will be part of a larger set of improvements to address drainage and overflows along Route 8 in Silver Grove and Highland Heights. Construction of larger EQ tanks in the area to address sanitary sewer overflows will be completed later this year.

The underground EQ basin will hold about 410,000 gallons and will be constructed as a gravity-in, gravity-out structure, temporarily storing excess flow during wet weather events and then gradually releasing the flow back into SD1’s system.

“This project will help us meet the CSO mitigation goals of our Clean H2O40 amended consent decree program,” said Spencer Stork, SD1 director of design and construction management. “Combined with the larger EQ tanks in this area, our system will be able to better manage wet weather events and reduce a significant volume of sewer overflows.”

SD1’s Clean H2O40 program required complete elimination of all typical-year sanitary sewer overflows and recapture of 85 percent of typical-year CSO volume by the year 2040.

SD1 has awarded the construction contract to Building Crafts, Inc., of Wilder. The project cost is estimated at $2,299,000. Stork said the total cost for the improvements in this area, including the two large EQ tanks, will be nearly $3.4 million under the original budget.

From Sanitation District No. 1

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