What do you think – is Covington the “Key West of the Midwest?” “Brooklyn on the Ohio?” Maybe more of a “Spicy Mayberry?”
What do you think makes Covington special?
The City’s Economic Development team is rebranding and wants to know what you think because you are kind of a big part of what makes Covington The Cov.
Covington Economic Development Director Tom West said insight from the public will help the City and its consultants fine-tune the branding message, which might include a logo, slogan, narrative, and other marketing tools.
“The City has mostly phased out the ‘waving hand C,’ and the City seal is very official, but neither of those really say much about who and what we are these days,” West said. “The Economic Development department is looking to rebrand our efforts so folks can quickly pick up on our vibe. Since our people are a big part of making The Cov into the unique, engaging, and quirky place that we are, we want everyone’s opinion.”
The city has established and online survey for ideas. The deadline for submissions is February 2.
City of Covington