Highland High School Theatre wins seven Cappies Award for spring musical, Crazy for You

Highlands High School Theatre has won seven Cappies for their spring musical Crazy For You.

Winners were announced at the Cappies Awards Gala which was held at the Aronoff Center.

Highlands won in the following categories:
• Best Musical – Crazy For You
• Best Song – Slap That Bass
• Lead Actor in a Musical – Jameson Zoller
• Comic Actor in a Musical – Connor Defevers
• Female Dancer – Emmarie Brewer
• Stage Management and Crew – Rowan Cavanaugh, John Dougherty, and Bradley Groneck
• Light Design – Nate Culyer, Charlie Kreyling, KJ Langlinais and Crew
“I am incredibly proud of the cast and crew of Crazy For You and the Critic Team,” said Jason Burgess, Highlands High School theatre director. “We, just like every other high school theatre program in the area, have been affected by the pandemic over the last couple of years with performances being cancelled, having limited audiences, performing while masked, etc. and the Cappies were not just a celebration of excellence in theatre but a celebration of perseverance, persistence, passion and resolve and to me that was the best award of the night.”

The Cappies, “Critics and Awards Program,” is a program through which high school theatre and journalism students are trained as critics, attend shows at other schools, write reviews and publish those reviews in local newspapers. At the end of the year, the student critics vote for awards that are presented at the formal Cappies gala.

For more information about the Highlands High School theatre program, please contact Jason Burgess at jason.burgess@fortthomas.kyschools.us or visit www.highlandstheatre.com.

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