By Judy Clabes
NKyTribune editor
Andy Brunsman, a vintage toy collector himself, appreciates that “one man’s junk is another’s treasure.”

As the director Be Concerned, a nonprofit serving the poor in Covington, he saw potential in the wealth of donations to the organizations Thrift Store.
And, in fact, he is now selling “collectibles” found among the donations to Be Concerned on e-bay. Maximizing the benefits to the group’s Food Pantry is the main focus.
Do we need to explain the spot food pantries are in these days? COVID has been brutal and inflation adds to the problem — more people are hungry, food is more expensive (even to food banks) — and more help is needed to feed families.
Brunsman, a man on a mission, is always on the lookout for how to do what “resellers” have always done with thrift store items — cherrypicking the good stuff for resell and profit.
A particular item that attracted his attention was a small statue that was first thought to be a paper weight, but that had “Columbia Pictures 15th Anniversary” plate on it. After intensive research, he has now discovered that the paper weight is actually a thing of value — and it is finding a home at Academy Museum Foundation.
The Statuette is actually an original celebratory Academy Award made for all those involved in the 1935 Columbia Pictures “It Happened Once Night,” the Clark Gable movie that swept the Oscars that year.
So rather than making the Thrift Store’s junk heap, the Statuette is on to fame and security.
Though Brunsman is ever looking to maximize resources for Be Concerned, he agreed that the Academy Museum Foundation could have the Statuette for a $1000 donation to his nonprofit’s Food Pantry.
“It couldn’t have happened at a better time,” he said, emphasizing the pressures on his budget. “We spent our entire year’s Food Pantry budget in October — so we are finding creative ways to replenish the supply and continue to serve the hungry.”
A good time indeed. To make a donation to Be Concerned, click here. You, too, can be part of the solution.