Covington Partners starting new year celebrating National Mentoring Month, looking for volunteers

Covington Partners is looking forward to an exciting 2023, kicking off the new year celebrating National Mentoring Month throughout January.

Along with other mentoring organizations across the country, the nonprofit will honor committed mentors who dedicate their time to make a difference in the life of a Covington student, said Executive Director Stacie Strotman in a message to supporters.

The Covington Partners Mentoring Program continues to be impactful for students. The data indicate that a student who is matched with a positive adult will show improvements in grades, attendance and behavior, said Strotman.

“We know it works and therefore, our goal is to have a mentor for as many students as possible.” 

To help us reach the goal and with the help of a new grant through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, Covington Partners is building a new partnership with Esperanza Latino Center of Northern Kentucky. With Esperanza, the group hopes to recruit Spanish-speaking mentors who can provide individualized support to Spanish-speaking students.

In Covington Independent Public Schools, 15% of students are learning the English language. This provides obvious barriers and struggles that Covington Partners hopes to help eliminate with the support of a mentoring program. 

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or know someone is, please see to the WEBSITE or email me or one of our mentoring coordinators directly:

Natalie Westkamp, Elementary Schools, at

Crystal Harden, Holmes Middle School, at

Julie Wharton, Holmes High School, at

Kate Andriacco, Work-based Mentoring, at

Karla Rodriguez, Esperanza, at

Since 1999, Covington Partners has worked with the Covington schools to promote positive student development through collaboration.

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