Road report: KYTC District 6 reports on work being done this week; be aware of delays, closings

KYTC District 6 gives a heads-up on the road projects to expect this week, though inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances may occur, so the information below is strictly of an advisory nature and is subject to change with no notice.

I-275 Eastbound

Through Thursday, April 18: left two lane(s) will be closed for diamond grooving operations. Once the left lanes are complete, crews will flip the closure to the right lanes.

I-275 Westbound

Through Thursday, April 18: lane(s) closure for sawing/sealing operations. This will begin as left lanes being closed; however, once the left lanes are completed, the crews will switch to right lanes being closed.

Nightly lane closures are permitted with this project: a single lane closure at 8 p.m., expanding to a double lane closure beginning at 10 p.m. All lanes must be reopened by 6 a.m.  These dates/times are weather permitting.


I-275 Westbound

Various lane closures will be in place throughout the project area between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

I-275 Eastbound
Monday, April 15 through Friday, April 19: a double right lane closure will be in place from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. for sawing/sealing operations.

NOTE: KYTC will advise if any delays are incurred due to inclement weather


• VARIOUS ROUTES: Street sweeping will begin on Sunday, April 14, between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Weather permitting, sweepers will be out Monday night through Friday morning until the work is complete on Sunday, April 28.

Interstate locations: along the barrier walls on I-75 (143 – 192 mile marker; both directions), I-471 (entire interstate), I-275 (entire interstate), I-71 (77.7 – 54.9 mile point), KY-1039 (0.6 – 7.11 mile point)

Bike Lanes on: KY 237 (North Bend Road), KY 842 (Houston Road), KY 1017 (Aero Parkway/Turfway Road), KY 1303 (Turkeyfoot Road), and KY 16 (Pride Parkway)

The sweeper collects debris, loose gravel, nails, etc. all things that could impact motorists if they need to utilize the highway shoulder for an emergency. Street sweeping is performed once a month to maintain and clean our roadways and bicycle/pedestrian facilities.

Contractors will occasionally utilize a single lane closure for the sweeper to complete passes along narrow shoulders on I-71/75 and other needed areas. Slow down and be aware of slow-moving equipment and potential lane closures during this mobile operation.

• KY 536 (Mt. Zion Road) Corridor 13.2 – 14.7/ 0 – 1 mile-marker – The road is being widened from two to four lanes between U.S. 25 (Dixie Highway) and KY 1303 (Turkeyfoot Road). Watch for flaggers and a single lane closure in the work zone.two roundabouts will be built:
 at the intersection of Mt. Zion and Sigmon Lane and Mt. Zion Road approximately one-third of a mile west of Turkeyfoot Road. Project completion is Spring 2024.


• I-75 Southbound

Beginning Monday, April 15, crews will begin performing base failure repairs in the left lane requiring a single left lane closure.
Upcoming Work:

Once base failures have been addressed, a traffic switch will take place shifting traffic to the left. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained.

The weigh station will be closed for 30 days while crews focus on rehabilitating the outside shoulder, right lane and a portion of the center lane. This construction may require a temporary closure of the Crittenden exit (Exit 166) on/off ramps.
Additionally, the contractor has indicated there is some minor remaing work to be performed on I-75 northbound in the project area.

All items listed “Upcoming Work” have not been scheduled. This information is being provided as a general overview of upcoming project tasks. KYTC District 6 will provide dates and further details for all the items listed above once they’re scheduled by the contractor.


• KY 842 (Hopeful Church Road) – 2.8 – 5.0 mile point – A gas main installation project will begin on Friday, March 1, on KY 842 from KY 18 (Burlington Pike) to U.S. 42. Duke Energy will be on-site, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Most work will take place along the sidewalk: sections will be closed as construction shifts to different sections of KY 842. The sidewalks will be temporarily restored as crews complete each section and new sidewalks will be poured once construction is complete.
Occasional lane shifts/closures as needed during construction. When lane closures are in place, flaggers will be on-site to direct motorists around the work zone.
This project aims to increase reliability of the natural gas system in the area by installing approximately three miles of natural gas main along KY 842. Gas service will not be interrupted during construction.
This project has a completion date of June 2025.

• KY 18 (Burlington Pike) – 5.2 – 8.3 mile points – The Boone County Water District is installing a water main on KY 18 from Green Acres Lane to Botts Lane. Crews will be working Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Temporary traffic signals will be installed during those hours to direct traffic around the work zone. The signals will be removed at the end of each workday. This project has a completion date of June 2024.

• I-275 – 1.58 – 7.25 mile points – A resurfacing project on I-275 from Hebron to Mineola Pike is in progress. The project includes partial/full-depth concrete patching and diamond grinding. Additionally, the KY 3076 (Mineola Pike), KY 212 (Airport Access Road), and KY 237 (Hebron) on/off exit ramps will be resurfaced. The project will require the off-ramp from I-275 westbound to KY 212 (Airport Access Road) to be temporarily closed on pre-approved scheduled weekends. KYTC will make an announcement via press release/social media ahead of the closure to keep motorists informed, and provide detour information during the closure.
Traffic may be reduced to one lane in each direction during these times: Weeknights from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. Weekends from 9 p.m. Friday, until 5 a.m. the following Monday.

The contractor will maintain a minimum of two lanes of traffic in each direction at all other times.
The project is expected to be completed by June 30, 2024.

• KY 236 (Donaldson Highway) 0.0 – 1.6 mile-marker – A widening and safety improvement project on KY 236 (Donaldson Highway) between KY 842 (Houston Road) and KY 3076 (Mineola Pike) is in progress. The project will widen the 2-mile stretch of road to five lanes with curb and gutter, including two through-lanes in each direction with a center turn lane. A sidewalk and multiuse path also will be added. The project has a completion date of September 2025.

• KY 3076 (Mineola Pike) 0.0 – 0.9 mile-marker – A widening and improvement project on KY 3076 (Mineola Pike) is in progress.  The project will widen the road to 5-lanes and add a sidewalk on the southside of the road and a multiuse path on the northside. Two lanes of traffic will be maintained throughout the project. Motorists should watch for crews and equipment in the work zone. This project has a estimated completion date of Late Summer 2024.

• KY 842 (Weaver Road) – 1.6 – 2.1 mile points – A turn lane and shoulder widening project has begun. Crews are working on KY 842 between Trellises Drive and Constance Road. Crews will work Monday through Friday. This work will require single lane closures between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. All lanes will reopen at 3 p.m. The project is expected to be completed July 31, 2024. 


• KY 1951 (Johnsville Foster Road) at Snag Creek Bridge Crossing – 2.44 mile point – A bridge replacement project on KY 1951 will begin on Monday, March 4. The Snag Creek crossing has been closed to traffic since Dec. 1, 2022, and will remain closed until the new bridge is open to traffic. The project has a completion date of June 1, 2024.

• KY 8 (Mary Ingles Highway W) 3.59 – 13.95 mile points – A safety improvement project on KY 8 from Willow Creek Road to Big Bracken Creek bridge just east of KY 19 is in progress. Motorists should expect traffic impacts during different phases of construction within the project limits. This project has a completion date of late July 2024.


• I-471 Northbound and Southbound – 1.4 mile point – A shoulder closure will be in place beginning on Tuesday, April 16, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., while contractors install a electrical conduit bore. The shoulder closure will be near Exit 2 to U.S. 27 (Alexandria Pike). Traffic lanes will not be impacted.

This is the final remaining item for the I-471 resurfacing project that took place in 2023. This project is expected to be completed by Tuesday, May 7.

• KY 547 (Four Mile Road) – 6.12 – 6.27 mile point – A guardrail repair project on KY 547 from Misty Ridge Farm extending north to south of Uhl Road will begin on Monday, March 11. A single lane closure will be in place during daytime working hours with flaggers on-site to direct motorists around the work zone. 

• KY 915 (Licking Pike) at Scaffold Creek Bridge Crossing – 2.67 mile point – A bridge replacement project on KY 915 is underway. The Scaffold Creek crossing will remain closed, while contractors install the new structure. A signed detour will be in place utilizing: U.S. 27, KY 2924 (Tollgate Road), and KY 10 (W Main Street) to access KY 915 until reaching the work zone. Once the new bridge is complete, crews will remove the detour and open the crossing to traffic, while completing other tasks throughout the project area. The project has a completion date of July 31, 2024.

• KY 6335 (Mary Ingles Highway) – 1.76 – 4.636 mile point –  a slide repair project is in progress from Tower Hill Road to KY 445, a total of 2.869 miles. The road will be closed to traffic during the maintenance repairs. The project will entail excavating, installing railroad rails, wall cribbing, adding multiple soil nail walls (retaining walls) to shore up the hillside, reconstructing a shoulder area, removing/replacing pipe, adding culverts, milling/paving and adding guardrail. The project is expected to be completed late June 2024.


• KY 36 E – 9.45 – 12.30 mile point – A resurfacing project is in progress on KY 36 E from the railroad crossing at KY 36 extending east towards Four Mile Road. Crews will be on-site from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. performing shoulder work and paving operations. A single lane closure will be in place during working hours with flaggers on-site to direct motorists around the work zone. Weather permitting, the project has a completion date of June 30, 2024.

• KY 36 – 2.182 – 8.132 mile points – A safety improvement project is in progress on KY 36 from the intersection of Hunter Heights Road to the intersection with U.S. 42. Crews will be working on ditching, drainage, and seeding work between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Temporary traffic signals are in place at both ends of the work zone to direct traffic. The signals will be in operation 24/7. This project is expected to be completed by June 24, 2024.
Pavement repairs/operations and other improvement items will take place Spring 2024.


• KY 1992 (Steeles Bottom Road) – 0.0 – 4.0 mile points –  A resurfacing project will begin on Monday, April 8, on a four mile stretch of Steeles Bottom Road. Crews will be working between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Motorists should expect daytime single lane closures during working hours. Flaggers will be used to guide traffic safely through the work zone. The project is expected to be completed Sunday, June 30.


• Old Lair Road (CR 1124) – A bridge replacement project on Old Lair Road (County Route 1124) is in progress and a road closure is in place. The closure will remain in place until the end of April 2024. A signed detour will be in place to guide motorsits around the work zone.


• KY 3716 (Taylor Mill Road) – 3.67 – 3.72 mile point – A guardrail repair project on KY 3716 near Sharon Drive will begin on Monday, March 11. A single lane closure will be in place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., with flaggers on-site to direct motorists around the work zone.

• I-275 – 77.6 – 82.5 mile points – A diamond grinding project on I-275 from Campbell/Kenton County line to the U.S. 25 overpass is in progress. The project will include diamond grinding and grooving of pavement, crack sealing, cleaning bridge drains and placing permanent striping and pavement markers.

Drive carefully. Be safe. (Photo provided)

Traffic impacts associated with the work: Contractors will primarily work Sunday night through Thursday night. Other nights will be utilized if weather prohibits work during the weekday. Single lane closure permitted nightly at 8 p.m. Double lane closure permitted nightly beginning at 10 p.m. All lanes must be reopened by 6 a.m.

The contractor will require temporary ramp closures throughout the project area between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. These temporary closures will last about an hour. These short-term closures will be in place to provide crews a safe area to continue working on diamond grinding/grooving through the project area. Message boards will be in place to warn motorists of any upcoming temporary ramp closures.

On/off ramps that could be temporarily closed during overnight working hours: KY 16 (Pride Parkway), KY 17 (Madison Pike), KY 1303 (Turleyfoot Road), and U.S. 25 (Dixie Highway).
No work will occur on the following days: Memorial Day Weekend (May 24 – 27, 2024)
This project is separate from the other diamond grinding and pavement repair project also taking place on I-275 between the Boone/Kenton County line to west of KY 237 (Hebron Exit). This project is expected to be completed by June 30, 2024.

• KY 371 (Amsterdam Road) – 5.6 – 6.3 mile points –  A gas line project is underway. Utility crews will be working on Amsterdam Road between Deerfield Drive and Dry Creek Road. Duke Energy crews will be working between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. During working hours, a single lane closure will be in place, and flaggers will be used to guide traffic safely through the work zone. The project is expected to be completed by Monday, July 1.

• Crescent Ave (City Route) – Transparent noise barriers are being installed along about 1,000 feet of the east side of Crescent Avenue between Fifth and Ninth Streets in Covington. Contractors are working on clearing brush and performing other site preparation work. Retaining walls will be built over the winter and crews will install the see-through panels after the first of the year.


• U.S. 127 (Main Street) – 13.83 – 14.30 mile points – A resurfacing project on U.S. 127 beginning north of KY 22 extending north to KY 1287 (E Adair Street) is underway. Contractors will begin replacing sidewalk ramps then begin paving operations. After base failure repairs, crews will begin milling and paving in the project area.
This work will require a single lane closure. Flaggers will be in place to guide traffic safely through the work zone. Sidewalk and base failure repairs will be performed during the day between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Night work is also permitted with this project to mitigate traffic impacts as much as possible. This project has a completion date of June 30, 2024.

• KY 22 (Owenton-Crittenden Road) – 11.05 – 15.59 mile points – A safety improvement project is in progress on KY 22. Crews will be straightening curves and correcting the superelevation of curves that have become flat over time, along with several additional improvements through the project area.
Temporary single lane closures may be required from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. while crews are present. When these lane closures are in place, flaggers will guide traffic through the work zone. Crews have begun earthwork on the project. Motorists should expect temporary lane closures through the project area.


• U.S. 62 at North Branch Cedar Creek Bridge Crossing – 4.9 mile point – A bridge replacement project on U.S. 62 is underway. The North Branch Cedar Creek crossing will close to traffic on Monday, March 11 for 120 days, while contractors install the new structure. A signed detour will be in place utilizing: KY 1504 (Central Ridge Road) to access U.S. 62 until reaching the work zone. Once the new bridge is complete, crews will remove the detour and open the crossing to traffic, while completing other tasks throughout the project area. The project has a completion date of July 31, 2024.


1. PAY ATTENTION: Don’t text or talk on the phone. Keep both hands on the wheel.

2. DRIVE ALERT: Watch for speed limi t reductions, narrowing lanes, changing traffic patterns and most importantly – workers.

3. Respect posted speed limits.

4. BE PATIENT: Driving 45 mph instead of 55 mph through a 5-mile work zone will only add 1.2 minutes to your trip. Speeding and aggressive driving are major causes of work zone crashes.

5. KEEP A SAFE DISTANCE: Allow space on all sides of your vehicle and maintain a safe following distance. The most common type of work zone crash is a rear-end collision.

6. RESPECT FLAGGERS AND OBEY THEIR GUIDANCE: A flagger has the same authority as a regulatory sign, so a driver can be cited for disobeying the flagger’s directions.

7. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS ON CONSTRUCTION SIGNAGE: Those signs are carefully selected to give drivers accurate information and important warnings.

8. KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Check out GoKY, TRIMARC, or WAZE for traffic and travel information. Select alternate routes when possible. If a work zone cannot be avoided, expect delays, and allow for extra time.

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